Wheres my money gone?
Wheres my money gone?
..Is what you may be asking when you give money feesabililah [for the sake of Allah] for charity. Many a time, you’re sitting there thinking, I just gave my money, now wheres my reward. Humans want immediate results. But know Oh Muslims, for those who are patient, you shall have every single penny you ever spent feesabililah paid back not only in full, but also many times over insha’Allah.
مَّن ذَا الَّذِي يُقْرِضُ اللّهَ قَرْضًا حَسَنًا فَيُضَاعِفَهُ لَهُ أَضْعَافًا كَثِيرَةً وَاللّهُ يَقْبِضُ وَيَبْسُطُ وَإِلَيْهِ تُرْجَعُونَ
Allah [subhanahu wa ta3la] says in Surah Baqarah, verse 245: Who is he that will lend to Allah a goodly loan so that He may multiply it to him many times? And it is Allah that decreases or increases (your provisions), and unto Him you shall return.
Imagine that, the best investment in the world, guaranteed returns and profit. You dont need to be the best business person in the world to make a deal with Allah SWT…*smiles*
..Is what you may be asking when you give money feesabililah [for the sake of Allah] for charity. Many a time, you’re sitting there thinking, I just gave my money, now wheres my reward. Humans want immediate results. But know Oh Muslims, for those who are patient, you shall have every single penny you ever spent feesabililah paid back not only in full, but also many times over insha’Allah.
مَّن ذَا الَّذِي يُقْرِضُ اللّهَ قَرْضًا حَسَنًا فَيُضَاعِفَهُ لَهُ أَضْعَافًا كَثِيرَةً وَاللّهُ يَقْبِضُ وَيَبْسُطُ وَإِلَيْهِ تُرْجَعُونَ
Allah [subhanahu wa ta3la] says in Surah Baqarah, verse 245: Who is he that will lend to Allah a goodly loan so that He may multiply it to him many times? And it is Allah that decreases or increases (your provisions), and unto Him you shall return.
Imagine that, the best investment in the world, guaranteed returns and profit. You dont need to be the best business person in the world to make a deal with Allah SWT…*smiles*
The Sunnah, the Better
Well everyone knows the importance of the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah [salAllahu alayhi wa salam] and how we as Muslims, we follow the Quran and the Sunnah. But how many of us truly try to implement the Sunnah?
The Messenger of Allah [salAllahu alayhi wa salam] said in his last sermon: I leave behind me two things. You will never go astray if you hold fast to them: The Qur’an and my Sunnah.
Even in our daily lives, we can do the most simple of actions, actions that every single one of us do, and every human does but if we do it with the right intention to please Allah and to follow the sunnah in these actions we can get rewarded insha’Allah. Simple everday actions such a saying the correct duas and eating with right hand, entering with right foot etc. subhanAllah Allah [aza wajal] has made the religion and the sunnah so beautiful *smile s
The Best Deal Ever
As Muslims it seems to be in our blood to always find a bargain, not that its a bad thing but we always seem to be searching for them buy one get one free offers and the reduced prices stickers. While we think of getting a good deal in this dunya, how many of us think about getting a good deal in the akhirah.
Allah [subhanahu wa ta3la] says in Surah Baqarah, verse 254:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ أَنفِقُواْ مِمَّا رَزَقْنَاكُم مِّن قَبْلِ أَن يَأْتِيَ يَوْمٌ لاَّ بَيْعٌ فِيهِ
O ye who believe! Spend out of (the bounties) We have provided for you, before the Day comes when no bargaining (will avail you)..
To get a good deal in the akhirah is simple. Allah aza wajal] tells us over and over again that if we spend the money (that he bestowed upon us in the first place) for his sake; then he will repay us in the akhirah. Its like a special offer where you get 100% money back guarantee plus you get the product plus you get extras, offer ends on the day of judgement or death, whichever comes first. On that day there will be no bargaining, no good deals, no searching for a good price or even offering a good deal even if its a mountain worth of gold. Forget buy one get one free, forget 50% discount or clearance sales, the deal with Allah [aza wajal] is the best deal ever *smiles*
Allah [subhanahu wa ta3la] says in Surah Baqarah, verse 254:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ أَنفِقُواْ مِمَّا رَزَقْنَاكُم مِّن قَبْلِ أَن يَأْتِيَ يَوْمٌ لاَّ بَيْعٌ فِيهِ
O ye who believe! Spend out of (the bounties) We have provided for you, before the Day comes when no bargaining (will avail you)..
To get a good deal in the akhirah is simple. Allah aza wajal] tells us over and over again that if we spend the money (that he bestowed upon us in the first place) for his sake; then he will repay us in the akhirah. Its like a special offer where you get 100% money back guarantee plus you get the product plus you get extras, offer ends on the day of judgement or death, whichever comes first. On that day there will be no bargaining, no good deals, no searching for a good price or even offering a good deal even if its a mountain worth of gold. Forget buy one get one free, forget 50% discount or clearance sales, the deal with Allah [aza wajal] is the best deal ever *smiles*
The Best Days of your life
The Best Days of your life
…at least for this year anwyay.
Allah SWT says in Surah Hajj verse 28:
لِيَشْهَدُوا مَنَافِعَ لَهُمْ وَيَذْكُرُوا اسْمَ اللَّهِ فِي أَيَّامٍ مَّعْلُومَاتٍ
That they may witness things that are of benefit to them, and mention the Name of Allah on appointed days ..
As ya all know, the 10 days of dhul hijjah are upon us, starting today. Everyone knows about Dhul Hijjah and how they are important and how Hajj was performed and for some reason millions of people just happen to all meet at the same place every year and seem to walk around a lot..
But do we all actually realise how great these days really are? These are the BEST 10 DAYS OF THE WHOLE YEAR, EVEN BETTER THAN RAMADAAN!* Out of 365 days in the year, these 10 are the best. You know how when ramadaan comes, we all feel an emaan boost and everyone suddenly becomes mr pious, well it should be like that in these 10 days to and if it doesnt feel like that, we have to recheck our emaan.
Ahmad and at-Tabarani record from Ibn ‘Umar that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said, “There is no day more honorable in Allaah’s sight and no acts more beloved therein to Allaah than those in these ten days. So say tahlil (There is no deity worthy of worship but Allaah : Laa ilaaha illallaah), takbir (Allaah is the greatest : Allaahu Akbar) and tahmid (All praise is due to Allaah : alhumdulillaah) a lot [on those days].” [Muslim]
Just like in ramadaan we fast, pray more, read more Quran, do more good deeds in general, likewise we should also try to do that in these 10 days insha’Allah. And many of our parents give qurbani back home or whatever, but we should also try if we can t give a sacrafice feesabililah, theres a great reward in it. And also a reminder to fast on the 9th of Dhul Hijjah, that would as fasting on this day wipes out our sins for 2 years, the year before and the year coming.
* these 10 days are better than the last 10 days of ramadaan but the last 10 night if ramadaan are better as they contain laylatul qadr.
…at least for this year anwyay.
Allah SWT says in Surah Hajj verse 28:
لِيَشْهَدُوا مَنَافِعَ لَهُمْ وَيَذْكُرُوا اسْمَ اللَّهِ فِي أَيَّامٍ مَّعْلُومَاتٍ
That they may witness things that are of benefit to them, and mention the Name of Allah on appointed days ..
As ya all know, the 10 days of dhul hijjah are upon us, starting today. Everyone knows about Dhul Hijjah and how they are important and how Hajj was performed and for some reason millions of people just happen to all meet at the same place every year and seem to walk around a lot..
But do we all actually realise how great these days really are? These are the BEST 10 DAYS OF THE WHOLE YEAR, EVEN BETTER THAN RAMADAAN!* Out of 365 days in the year, these 10 are the best. You know how when ramadaan comes, we all feel an emaan boost and everyone suddenly becomes mr pious, well it should be like that in these 10 days to and if it doesnt feel like that, we have to recheck our emaan.
Ahmad and at-Tabarani record from Ibn ‘Umar that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said, “There is no day more honorable in Allaah’s sight and no acts more beloved therein to Allaah than those in these ten days. So say tahlil (There is no deity worthy of worship but Allaah : Laa ilaaha illallaah), takbir (Allaah is the greatest : Allaahu Akbar) and tahmid (All praise is due to Allaah : alhumdulillaah) a lot [on those days].” [Muslim]
Just like in ramadaan we fast, pray more, read more Quran, do more good deeds in general, likewise we should also try to do that in these 10 days insha’Allah. And many of our parents give qurbani back home or whatever, but we should also try if we can t give a sacrafice feesabililah, theres a great reward in it. And also a reminder to fast on the 9th of Dhul Hijjah, that would as fasting on this day wipes out our sins for 2 years, the year before and the year coming.
* these 10 days are better than the last 10 days of ramadaan but the last 10 night if ramadaan are better as they contain laylatul qadr.
Keep Your Tongue....
And never use it except in the good pleasure of Allah as to enjoin doing good things and forbid doing bad things and calling for Allah.The tongue is a way to the Paradise or a way to the Fire ( Hell),so weigh your words and do your best so that your word is good as how many words led the One who said them to the Fire ( Hell) and how many words led the one who said them to the Paradise also!!
And never use it except in the good pleasure of Allah as to enjoin doing good things and forbid doing bad things and calling for Allah.The tongue is a way to the Paradise or a way to the Fire ( Hell),so weigh your words and do your best so that your word is good as how many words led the One who said them to the Fire ( Hell) and how many words led the one who said them to the Paradise also!!
word of pride dar al ghoroor
Isn’t everything is forthcoming,
And everyone has his own destiny on earth
People like to live long lives but death is creeping to them
Time is a witness on people, between distracted and pointed arrow
Many people we saw passing away
They all went to an embracing hole
Where the dear ones are safe
He is always deficient
One day he is young and another he grows old
Doesn’t man wander at himself as it ages
If you find fault with something, Don’t do it
Leave what you suspect for what is not suspicious
Are you deceived with a bright day, a dark night or a setting sun
Don’t think that it is a world of pride
Don’t you get that you are stranger in it
By Ahmed Bukhater
And everyone has his own destiny on earth
People like to live long lives but death is creeping to them
Time is a witness on people, between distracted and pointed arrow
Many people we saw passing away
They all went to an embracing hole
Where the dear ones are safe
He is always deficient
One day he is young and another he grows old
Doesn’t man wander at himself as it ages
If you find fault with something, Don’t do it
Leave what you suspect for what is not suspicious
Are you deceived with a bright day, a dark night or a setting sun
Don’t think that it is a world of pride
Don’t you get that you are stranger in it
By Ahmed Bukhater
2 Miljon Deeds!!!
A'oothu billahi minash-Shaytaan-Rajeem, Bismiaallah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim.Al7amduallah illahi Rabbil-'Aalamiin Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim,Maliki Jawmid Din.
Surely all praise is for Allah.
We praise Him and seek
His help, we seek His
forgiveness and we seek
refuge in Him from the evil
of our own souls and from
the wickedness of our
deeds. Whoever He guides
shall never to astray and
whomever He allows to
stray,shall never find
guidance.I bear witness
that none has the right to
be worshipped but Allah,
Alone, who has no partner
and I bear witness that
Muhammad is His slave
and His Messenger.May
the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and
upon his family and his
Companions and upon
those who follow them in
piety until the Day of Judgmen!
........Verily! Allah will not change the ( good ) condition of people as long
as they do not change their
state ( of goodness)
themselves ( by committing
sins and by being
ungrateful) and disobedient
to Allah ) ..( Q 13:11 )
Assalam aleykum wa Rahmatuaallah wa barakatoh!
I hope all of you are more then fine and your is full if lights abd barakah!! And your iman,
taqwa, soul ,heart, family,
friends,jobs and wealth is
always on the highest
degree inshaallah.
And that you had an great
juma'h and weekens with
family and friends.That you
made years out of minutes
and month out of seconds.
Lived the life today without
sorrow, anger and jealousy
and didnt cry over the past
because it will never comes
back and that you enjoyed
your times in prayer,reading Quran, make dawa and
spend it on your family and
friends etc inshaallah .
Alhamduaallah im stil sick,that I'm trying to rest
as much as I can,
inshaallah I will get better.I
didn't feel well alhamduaallah, that I just
to lay down and get
some hours of sleep.
But I couldn't hold my
thoughts back about some
issue that I heard from an
audio by some shiekh mas7aallah some days
ago and it was Subhan7aallah amazing to hear.
Hmmm what can I say about it!!!?
But Later on I
found that some few things from it was very
important to deliver at once,
to myself and to everyone
who Mas7aallah! Read my
notes etc. May Allah
Sub7an wa ta'ala grant all
of you mercy and make you all strong and brave and
Grant you all the
highest degree in Paradise
for that amiin amiin.
Anyhow!!! This issue that I'm
going to talk about, it's few things that so many of us
ignore or not even relise it.
Yet it's takes us some few
seconds to say it but yet
we don't recognize it's
value and reward and
infront of Allah the reward
of it's more then we could
ever imagine Wa Allah
So! It's not important to
memorized every words I'm
writting. But the most
important is how this
knowledge benefits and
effects in our daily life inshaallah.
Because we can memorize,
all the knowledge in the
world! Yet most of it doesn't
benefits us at all Wa Allah Alam!
So the most important is
knowledge that benefits not
that which is memorized.
Look how amazing this is!
Let me give you an exampel how powerful our
toungue is and how
powerful this words we say is!!!!
Have it ever occured you!? When we say
sub7anaallah!!! Angels
moves from it's place!!
And when we going around saying one of the most
beloved words to
Allah: Al7amduaallah!!!!
The Angels open it's wings
and the Angels are 70.000
And the Angels open
70.000 wings!!
So think about this!!
When you say Wa
laa'ilaaha ' illallah!!!!!
This Angels begins to fly!!!
And when it says Allah
The Angels Dives inside the oceans.
And One of the treasure of
paradise Laa hawla wa laa
quwwata ' ills billah illa
adhim!!!!! When it says:
The Angels comes out of
the water and it flaps it's
70.000 wings!!!!
70.000 of wings!!!
From every drops,Allah!!!
Creates an Angel and this Angels glorifies The
Allmighty Allah!!!!!
And this Angel keeps
asking Allah! To forgive him
right til the Day of
Yet! It takes not even 2
second to say this words!!!
So!! When its says Laa'
ilaaha 'illallaah Muhammad
Allah The Most Merciful!!
Has created a pillar next to the Ashr! As soon the servant of Allah quoted this words!!!!
This pillar begins to shake infront of the Allmighty
The Allmighty Allah says to the pillar: Stay firm! Do not
The pillar says: Ya Allah! How can I stay firm, when the saying of this words have not been forgiven!?
Allah The Allmighty says: Stay firm!! Now the saying
of this words have been forgiving.
According to the Hadith of Tabarani!!!!!!!
One of the words that most beloved words to Allah!! Subhanaallaahi wa
bihamdihi!!!! Would not
even taking 2 seconds.
The Prophet Muhammad ( SAS) said: 125 Deeds!!! Are written in his account!!!!
Subhanaallah wa bihamdihi
and the Angel are written!!!
When a person says: Laa 'ilaaha'illallaahu wahdahu
laa shareeka lahu, Ahad wa-samad, lam yalid, wa
lam yoolad.Wa lam yakun
lahu kufuwan 'ahad!!!!!!
It takes 3-4 second and the Angels!! According to the Hadith of Tabarani!!!!!
Nabi Kareem ( SAS ) said: The Angels have written 2 Miljon Deeds in his account!!!!!!
2 Miljon Deed!!!!!!!
Can you imagine that!!!?
But today you and I,we have no time for small things in life!!!!!!!!
Because! We!!!Are thinking about the Big Things!!!
Big and luxury life style!!!
Yet! It will be this things
that will help us tomoroh on
The Day of Judgment!!!!!??
When this piece of flesh,is use in the negative manner!!!!!
Then your salat will not
help you!!!!!!!
Your fasting will not help you!!!!!!
Your helping others will not help you!!!!!
Your zakat will not help
Your Hajj will not help you!!!
Your umrah will not help you!!!!!!
What are you going to do about it!!??
Are you going to wait til something bad will happend to you!!! And Allah will use you as an exampel for others!!!?
Look around you!! And look down some streets!!!
And you will see and find that this the way many of
us speaking!!!
Five of out of ten words, will be a SWEAR!!!!!!!
And it's not even consider a sin and makes them feel
hard!!! Superious!!!!Cool!!!
But we will regret but then it's to late!!!!!!
We!!! Are taking faults!!!
Are making fun!!! We are criticizing!!!!
And because we are never
on the receiving end!!!
We don't relise!!!!!!
How could this day
No Barakah, what's so
No blessings!!!!!!
What's ever left in TIME!!!
How years pass in our lives!!!!!!!
LOOK Of DUNJA!!!!!!!!
Which is the Deeds that the Allmighty looks most of All!!!!!???
Which is the deeds that pleases Allah The Allmighty!!!!!!?
....To offer the prayers at their early stated fixed times!!!!!!!!
To be good to your parents!!!!!!
To participat in Jihad!!!!!!
A tougue that praises Allah often!!!!!!
Use your toungue for good deeds otherwise be quite!!! You will be asked every words you say that could be for you or against you!!!
Their is a sign in ourselves!!!
Just open your eyes and Look at us!!!!!
Every lim is perfect!!
Look at the heart that Allah subhan wa ta'ala has given us!!!
Small organs!!!
Yet it!! Pumps!!! And
beats!! 100 000 times in one day without even we relise it!!!
Do you relist it now or you will stil remain ignorant!!!?
And the blood!!
The heart pumps into the body 60 000 miles journey and the lung that Allah has given us we breathe in 2 miljon liter of air everyday without even relise that we
breathe this air!!!!!!
Stil we remain ungrateful!!!
The eyes that Allah have given us we can see the sunset's glow and at same times it can catch miljon
diffrent colours and it can take more information then
any great telescope!!!!!
And look at our ears!!! That Allah have blessed us with!!! So we would hear
what we would know at same times it can catch diffrent sounds!!!!
Have you ever thought about it!!!!
And just look at the brain that Allah have blessed us with!!!
It's small but yet it's more complex then many things
we could ever imagine!!!!
Look at you!!! The world is
yours!!! Allah have blessed
you with legs and feet to take you where you want to go!!!!!
Then which of the blessings of your Lord will you both [ Jinn and men ] deny? ( Q 55:13 )...!!!!!?
So would you sell your ability to hear and see for the weight of Mount Uhud
in gold!!!!!??
Or your ability to speak for
huge castles!!!!!?
Look at us!! We are blessed
with all of this things,yet
we are so ungrateful and use it in a negative manner!!!?
We have been given abundant favours!!!!!!
Yet we feign ignorance!!!!
We think about what we do
not have and are ungrateful for what we have been given!!!!!
Think about it and look around you!!! You stil feel that you have a poor life!!'!!!???
Subhanaallah Allahumna wa bihamdihi,Ash-hadu 'an laa 'ilaaha illaa Anta
Astaqfiruaallah wa'atoobu 'ilayka.( Glory is to You, Oh Allah, and praise is to You. I bear witness that there is none worthy worship but You. I seek Your forgiveness and repent to
Ya Allah! If I did right, reward me when coming to You.But if I did it wrong it
was because of my bad soul and shaytan. Ya Allah!
Forgive me, my parents and all Muslims and grant us the highest degree in Paradise amiin.You are ar-
Rahman ar-Rahim
By Ahlam Hind Umm Jihad
Surely all praise is for Allah.
We praise Him and seek
His help, we seek His
forgiveness and we seek
refuge in Him from the evil
of our own souls and from
the wickedness of our
deeds. Whoever He guides
shall never to astray and
whomever He allows to
stray,shall never find
guidance.I bear witness
that none has the right to
be worshipped but Allah,
Alone, who has no partner
and I bear witness that
Muhammad is His slave
and His Messenger.May
the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and
upon his family and his
Companions and upon
those who follow them in
piety until the Day of Judgmen!
........Verily! Allah will not change the ( good ) condition of people as long
as they do not change their
state ( of goodness)
themselves ( by committing
sins and by being
ungrateful) and disobedient
to Allah ) ..( Q 13:11 )
Assalam aleykum wa Rahmatuaallah wa barakatoh!
I hope all of you are more then fine and your is full if lights abd barakah!! And your iman,
taqwa, soul ,heart, family,
friends,jobs and wealth is
always on the highest
degree inshaallah.
And that you had an great
juma'h and weekens with
family and friends.That you
made years out of minutes
and month out of seconds.
Lived the life today without
sorrow, anger and jealousy
and didnt cry over the past
because it will never comes
back and that you enjoyed
your times in prayer,reading Quran, make dawa and
spend it on your family and
friends etc inshaallah .
Alhamduaallah im stil sick,that I'm trying to rest
as much as I can,
inshaallah I will get better.I
didn't feel well alhamduaallah, that I just
to lay down and get
some hours of sleep.
But I couldn't hold my
thoughts back about some
issue that I heard from an
audio by some shiekh mas7aallah some days
ago and it was Subhan7aallah amazing to hear.
Hmmm what can I say about it!!!?
But Later on I
found that some few things from it was very
important to deliver at once,
to myself and to everyone
who Mas7aallah! Read my
notes etc. May Allah
Sub7an wa ta'ala grant all
of you mercy and make you all strong and brave and
Grant you all the
highest degree in Paradise
for that amiin amiin.
Anyhow!!! This issue that I'm
going to talk about, it's few things that so many of us
ignore or not even relise it.
Yet it's takes us some few
seconds to say it but yet
we don't recognize it's
value and reward and
infront of Allah the reward
of it's more then we could
ever imagine Wa Allah
So! It's not important to
memorized every words I'm
writting. But the most
important is how this
knowledge benefits and
effects in our daily life inshaallah.
Because we can memorize,
all the knowledge in the
world! Yet most of it doesn't
benefits us at all Wa Allah Alam!
So the most important is
knowledge that benefits not
that which is memorized.
Look how amazing this is!
Let me give you an exampel how powerful our
toungue is and how
powerful this words we say is!!!!
Have it ever occured you!? When we say
sub7anaallah!!! Angels
moves from it's place!!
And when we going around saying one of the most
beloved words to
Allah: Al7amduaallah!!!!
The Angels open it's wings
and the Angels are 70.000
And the Angels open
70.000 wings!!
So think about this!!
When you say Wa
laa'ilaaha ' illallah!!!!!
This Angels begins to fly!!!
And when it says Allah
The Angels Dives inside the oceans.
And One of the treasure of
paradise Laa hawla wa laa
quwwata ' ills billah illa
adhim!!!!! When it says:
The Angels comes out of
the water and it flaps it's
70.000 wings!!!!
70.000 of wings!!!
From every drops,Allah!!!
Creates an Angel and this Angels glorifies The
Allmighty Allah!!!!!
And this Angel keeps
asking Allah! To forgive him
right til the Day of
Yet! It takes not even 2
second to say this words!!!
So!! When its says Laa'
ilaaha 'illallaah Muhammad
Allah The Most Merciful!!
Has created a pillar next to the Ashr! As soon the servant of Allah quoted this words!!!!
This pillar begins to shake infront of the Allmighty
The Allmighty Allah says to the pillar: Stay firm! Do not
The pillar says: Ya Allah! How can I stay firm, when the saying of this words have not been forgiven!?
Allah The Allmighty says: Stay firm!! Now the saying
of this words have been forgiving.
According to the Hadith of Tabarani!!!!!!!
One of the words that most beloved words to Allah!! Subhanaallaahi wa
bihamdihi!!!! Would not
even taking 2 seconds.
The Prophet Muhammad ( SAS) said: 125 Deeds!!! Are written in his account!!!!
Subhanaallah wa bihamdihi
and the Angel are written!!!
When a person says: Laa 'ilaaha'illallaahu wahdahu
laa shareeka lahu, Ahad wa-samad, lam yalid, wa
lam yoolad.Wa lam yakun
lahu kufuwan 'ahad!!!!!!
It takes 3-4 second and the Angels!! According to the Hadith of Tabarani!!!!!
Nabi Kareem ( SAS ) said: The Angels have written 2 Miljon Deeds in his account!!!!!!
2 Miljon Deed!!!!!!!
Can you imagine that!!!?
But today you and I,we have no time for small things in life!!!!!!!!
Because! We!!!Are thinking about the Big Things!!!
Big and luxury life style!!!
Yet! It will be this things
that will help us tomoroh on
The Day of Judgment!!!!!??
When this piece of flesh,is use in the negative manner!!!!!
Then your salat will not
help you!!!!!!!
Your fasting will not help you!!!!!!
Your helping others will not help you!!!!!
Your zakat will not help
Your Hajj will not help you!!!
Your umrah will not help you!!!!!!
What are you going to do about it!!??
Are you going to wait til something bad will happend to you!!! And Allah will use you as an exampel for others!!!?
Look around you!! And look down some streets!!!
And you will see and find that this the way many of
us speaking!!!
Five of out of ten words, will be a SWEAR!!!!!!!
And it's not even consider a sin and makes them feel
hard!!! Superious!!!!Cool!!!
But we will regret but then it's to late!!!!!!
We!!! Are taking faults!!!
Are making fun!!! We are criticizing!!!!
And because we are never
on the receiving end!!!
We don't relise!!!!!!
How could this day
No Barakah, what's so
No blessings!!!!!!
What's ever left in TIME!!!
How years pass in our lives!!!!!!!
LOOK Of DUNJA!!!!!!!!
Which is the Deeds that the Allmighty looks most of All!!!!!???
Which is the deeds that pleases Allah The Allmighty!!!!!!?
....To offer the prayers at their early stated fixed times!!!!!!!!
To be good to your parents!!!!!!
To participat in Jihad!!!!!!
A tougue that praises Allah often!!!!!!
Use your toungue for good deeds otherwise be quite!!! You will be asked every words you say that could be for you or against you!!!
Their is a sign in ourselves!!!
Just open your eyes and Look at us!!!!!
Every lim is perfect!!
Look at the heart that Allah subhan wa ta'ala has given us!!!
Small organs!!!
Yet it!! Pumps!!! And
beats!! 100 000 times in one day without even we relise it!!!
Do you relist it now or you will stil remain ignorant!!!?
And the blood!!
The heart pumps into the body 60 000 miles journey and the lung that Allah has given us we breathe in 2 miljon liter of air everyday without even relise that we
breathe this air!!!!!!
Stil we remain ungrateful!!!
The eyes that Allah have given us we can see the sunset's glow and at same times it can catch miljon
diffrent colours and it can take more information then
any great telescope!!!!!
And look at our ears!!! That Allah have blessed us with!!! So we would hear
what we would know at same times it can catch diffrent sounds!!!!
Have you ever thought about it!!!!
And just look at the brain that Allah have blessed us with!!!
It's small but yet it's more complex then many things
we could ever imagine!!!!
Look at you!!! The world is
yours!!! Allah have blessed
you with legs and feet to take you where you want to go!!!!!
Then which of the blessings of your Lord will you both [ Jinn and men ] deny? ( Q 55:13 )...!!!!!?
So would you sell your ability to hear and see for the weight of Mount Uhud
in gold!!!!!??
Or your ability to speak for
huge castles!!!!!?
Look at us!! We are blessed
with all of this things,yet
we are so ungrateful and use it in a negative manner!!!?
We have been given abundant favours!!!!!!
Yet we feign ignorance!!!!
We think about what we do
not have and are ungrateful for what we have been given!!!!!
Think about it and look around you!!! You stil feel that you have a poor life!!'!!!???
Subhanaallah Allahumna wa bihamdihi,Ash-hadu 'an laa 'ilaaha illaa Anta
Astaqfiruaallah wa'atoobu 'ilayka.( Glory is to You, Oh Allah, and praise is to You. I bear witness that there is none worthy worship but You. I seek Your forgiveness and repent to
Ya Allah! If I did right, reward me when coming to You.But if I did it wrong it
was because of my bad soul and shaytan. Ya Allah!
Forgive me, my parents and all Muslims and grant us the highest degree in Paradise amiin.You are ar-
Rahman ar-Rahim
By Ahlam Hind Umm Jihad