Solaiman ( AS ) 2
Allah (SWT)[1] says what can be translated as, “So he smiled broadly, laughing at its speech, and said, “Lord! Dispense me to thank (You) for Your favor wherewith You have favored me and (both) my parents, and to do righteousness that satisfies You, and cause me to enter by Your mercy, among Your righteous bondmen.” (TMQ, 27:19)[2]
Imagine our prophet Solaiman’s expression while listening to the vibrations of the ant's voice. The very concept is, without doubt, a great blessing; how had the ant recognized Solaiman (AS)? We have learned in the previous lecture (in Solaiman I) that those who command good, guide people, invite to Allah's path, and call for reform are recognized by the whole universe.
Nevertheless, why did he laugh? Notice the meticulous character of the Qur’anic expression in describing how he gradually smiled until he started laughing. He smiled because Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as (the ant saying), “(while) they are not aware.” (TMQ, 27:18). The ant knew, by instinct, that a Muslim army could not exterminate a population of ants unjustly because a Muslim army was pure and virtuous. Solaiman (AS) laughed because he realized how the whole universe recognized that Muslims were God-fearing; they did not act irrationally. Observe the nature of Solaiman’s character. What delights and moves him most is nothing but a religious triumph. An extremely significant meaning can be noted here; is it possible to claim that Islam is a source of terror and injustice when it does not allow harming even a single ant?
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "… and said, “Lord! Dispense me to thank (You) for Your favor wherewith You have favored me…” (TMQ, 27:19). This, very simply, means: ‘O Allah, make me assemble all my might, my potentials, my mental power, my whole existence, and all that I have in order to thank You.’
Do any of us possess this dignifying feeling of thanking Allah (SWT) for all His blessings? Dawud (AS) (David) had also asked it formerly, “My Lord, how can I thank you, when thanking You is by itself a blessing which deserves thanks?” Allah (SWT) answered, “Dawud, you have thanked Me by acknowledging that.” Is there any one who is pre-occupied with thanking Allah (SWT), who sits counting some of Allah's blessings, and who is so moved that he cries affectionately, “Allah, how can I express my gratitude when You have endowed me with so and so and blessed me with so and so?” Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “Indeed in case you thank (Him), indeed I will definitely increase you "(TMQ, 14:7). The more you thank Allah (SWT), the more He grants you; if you want to enhance your talent, intellect, financial status, etc., thank Allah (SWT), use that blessing in his obedience, and engage your service to content Him, and He will bestow upon you with more blessings. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “Do (righteousness), House of Dawûud, in thankfulness; and few of My bondmen are constantly thankful” (TMQ, 34:13). I am deeply affected every time I hear these words. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as “Lord! Dispense me to thank (You)” (TMQ, 27:19). At the end of the ayah (verse), Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as (Solaiman (AS) saying), “… and cause me to enter by Your mercy, among Your righteous bondmen.” (TMQ, 27:19). Solaiman (AS) is asking Allah (SWT) to include him with His righteous slaves even though he is in fact, a pioneer.
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "And he reviewed the birds; then he said, “what is it with me that I do not see the hoopoe? Or is he among the absent?” (TMQ, 27:20). Solaiman (AS) had a habit of queuing his army, which was composed of multiple creatures, so that it was always alert and on the defence. He searched, but could not find the hoopoe; indeed, it requires sharpness to recognize that one hoopoe was absent out of so many (one amusing interpretation by some scholars, though, not supported by evidence, was that the hoopoe’s wings used to block the sun’s heat from Solaiman (AS)). What is the story and where is the hoopoe?
The hoopoe knew the time for the morning assembly; he was flying and picking out his means of living while preparing for the gathering. Being a respectable soldier, he was aware of the time. However, while soaring at a great altitude, he observed some people prostrating to the sun. He wondered what to do: should he fly back that great distance from Yemen, where those people were, to Palestine, where Solaiman (AS) was in order to arrive on time for the morning assembly. Should he stay and check this disaster? Finally, his positivism took over and he did not accept lining up, flapping his wings, and leaving this matter behind without bringing its details.
“I have to hurry and warn those people before they are severely punished!” he thought. He flew to Yemen, omitting the assembly, and began watching those people. He looked for further details until he saw a woman governing them.
This is for all those who are not concerned with guiding people: we are not just relating stories. Each of us should be deeply concerned about Islam. Only then will we find the contemporary condition of Muslims improving, as well as a better amendment of the whole universe. This is much better than each of us living for himself; if you take another person’s hands, you will develop into a stronger person day by day and you will not be alone. Pious companions will surround you. Brothers and sisters, the hoopoe had protectiveness for Islam and positivism, and he was preoccupied with an important issue, not just plain talk. Allah (SWT) is recounting this so that we may feel ashamed for any responsibility we fail to hold for our religion. It is not a question of religious lectures; the whole issue of religion must fill up your heart and become the essence of your existence.
The hoopoe flew back, but Solaiman (AS) had threatened to punish him because he was very late, contrary to the character of a Muslim army. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "And he reviewed the birds; then he said, “What is it with me that I do not see the hoopoe? Or is he among the absent? Indeed I will definitely torment him with a strict torment or indeed I will definitely slay him, or indeed he should definitely come up to me with an evident, all-binding authority." (TMQ, 27:20-21).
Imagine the immense effort the hoopoe undertook as he flew back and forth and compare it to being too lazy to address your neighbour residing next to you about Islam.
When the rest of the birds saw the hoopoe they warned him that Solaiman (AS) would harm him by plucking his feathers. Did he waver? I want you to imagine the scene. Allah (SWT) says, about the hoopoe, what can be translated as, “Yet he stayed (a while) without being far away, then said, “I have encompassed that which you have not encompassed, and I have come from Saba to you with a tiding of certitude." (TMQ, 27:22) He stayed close to Solaiman (AS), firmly rooted and unshaken, and imparted to him words that would be recited until the Day of Judgment. Such words are not issued except from one who is faithful to his religion, bearing jealousy for Islam, and having self-confidence.
The hoopoe continued his story, Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “Surely I found a woman ruling over them, and she has been brought (much) of everything, and she has a magnificent throne.” (TMQ, 27:23). He holds the tiniest details. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as "I found her and her people prostrating to the sun, apart from Allah; and Ash-Shaytan (The ever-vicious, i.e., the Devil) has adorned (i.e., made attractive) their deeds to them, so has barred them from the way, so that they are not guided, So that they do not prostrate (themselves) to Allah, Who brings out what is hidden in the heavens and the earth. And He knows whatever you conceal and whatever you make public." (TMQ, 27:24-25). Note his jealousy for Islam! Is there any of us whose blood boils because of his concern for Islam on behalf of his relatives, his friends, etc.? He mentions “what is hidden,” indicating his foodstuff concealed beneath the vegetation, his love for Allah (SWT) is connected with his source of sustenance, ‘Allah is the One who feeds me, he acknowledges.’ Our sustenance is also in the hands of Allah (SWT). Learn from the hoopoe! He knows it is not the proficiency of his beak that brings out the seeds; it is Allah's grace, which makes it possible, “knows whatever you conceal and whatever you make public.” When he mentioned the hidden, he also mentioned the concealed intentions in our hearts, which only Allah (SWT) knows. He had noted the queen's throne, “she has a magnificent throne” but he remembered that her throne was worthless in comparison to Allah's throne. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as “Allah, there is no god except He, The Lord of the Magnificent Throne.” (TMQ, 27:26). By Allah (SWT), we need loads of hoopoes like this one!
We pause here at some intriguing connotations in the ayahs. The Qur’an is not restricted in its meanings and does not expire, no matter how often you turn to it; its wonders do not end for it is Allah's words on Earth. In those words, we come across great values like the traits of a successful leader. What attributes in one’s personality can make one a successful leader in an institution, school, hospital, etc.?
1. A successful leader checks on his employees and inquires about them. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "And he reviewed the birds”(TMQ 27:20)
2. He must not be hasty or reckless. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as “what is it with me that I do not see the hoopoe? Or is he among the absent?" (TMQ 27:20). If he had assumed quickly that the hoopoe was not there and threatened to punish him, the hoopoe could have been there, but Solaiman (AS) could not see him.
3. He must be resolute. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as , “Indeed I will definitely torment him with a strict torment or indeed I will definitely slay him, or indeed he should definitely come up to me with an evident, all-binding authority." (TMQ 27:21) No leader should be indecisive or else calamity would pervade throughout the army.
4. He must be objective and fair-minded. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “or indeed he should definitely come up to me with an evident, all-binding authority.” (TMQ 27:21)
5. He must be a good-listener. If the hoopoe had not known that, he would have escaped, but he stayed near-by.
The Qur’an also teaches us the virtues of a good employee:
1- Positivism: a Muslim employee should not simply go to work in the morning and come back home in the evening without thinking of ways to innovate progress.
2- Self-confidence: very important and we can sense it from what Allah (SWT) says and can be translated as, “without being far away” (TMQ 27:22).
3- The ability to categorize priorities: one matter is more important than another. Solaiman (AS) understood that what the hoopoe did was the right thing, for if he had lined-up with the others, he would not have been able to direct Solaiman (AS) to the transgressed tribe.
4- Accuracy in recounting information. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "I have come from Saba to you with a tiding of certitude." (TMQ, 27:22)
A comprehensive and magnificent skill of administration is given here.
Allah (SWT) says, what can be translated as, "He said, “We will soon look whether you have (spoken) sincerely or whether you are among the liars. Go with this book (i.e., letter) of mine, then cast it to them; thereafter turn away from them, (and) so look what (answer) they return.” (TMQ, 27:27-28). Why the hoopoe? It would have been possible to assign this task to anyone else, but Solaiman (AS) wanted the hoopoe to have the full reward, since he was the one who brought the matter into light. He said, “… thereafter turn away from them” so that the hoopoe would not eavesdrop - observe the manners! “(and) so look what (answer) they return” indicates that he was to stay at a distance and bring back their news.
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "She said, “O you chiefs, surely an honorable book has been cast to me. Surely it is from Solaiman, (Solomon) and surely it is in The Name of Allah, The All-Merciful, The Ever-Merciful. That “You should not exalt yourselves against me, and come up to me as Muslims.” (Or: in surrender).” (TMQ, 27:29-31)
Clearly, she did not want to fight and was paving the way for peace. The letter she received was composed of four words (in Arabic): Don’t remain arrogant and submit to Allah (SWT). It is alleged that the first to write, “In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Ever-Merciful,” in a letter was Solaiman (AS).
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “She said, “O you chiefs, pronounce to me concerning my command; in no way have I affirmed (Literally: cutting) a command until you bear witness.” (TMQ, 27:32). It is evident that she was a rational woman and the Qur’an has proven that she was a woman of sense and awareness of consultation. We find here an extremely significant meaning: Islam does not view women as feeble-minded. The Hadith, where it was reported that the Prophet (SAWS)[3] said, addressing women, “… I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you” (The complete version of this Hadith is in Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 6, Number 301) only means that the decrease in her religion is in the quantity during her menstruation, whereas, the decrease in her mind or judgment is because Allah (SWT) has bestowed her with excess emotion, which sometimes overcomes her judgment. However, this does not mean that women are incapable of thinking or fair judgment. Here is the Qur’an, proving to us that this queen was intelligent, and of sound and sophisticated thoughts. There are also various incidences throughout history confirming the cleverness and high-quality sense of women.
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “They said, “We are endowed with power, and we are endowed with strict violence, (i.e., we are strong and able to fight) and the command (rests) with you; so look into what you command (us).” (TMQ, 27:33).
It seems that they were inclined to fight, but they left the matter to her. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “She said, “Surely, kings, when they enter a town, do corruption in it and make the mighty ones of its population humiliated. And thus they (too) will perform (similarly).” (TMQ, 27:34). She was more prone to conciliatory means, which defines her femininity and rational disposition. She composed a plan to determine whether he was a prophet, or a king eager for her empire. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "And surely I am sending to them a present, so I am waiting to look into what the emissaries return with.” (TMQ, 27:35). “I will send a gift: if he is a worldly man he will accept it and the whole matter will end, but if he is a religious man and rejects the gift and insists on his call to Allah, then we will not fight him.” What can one think of the mentality of this woman?
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "So, as soon as he (the envoy) came to Solaiman, (Solomon) he said, “Would you supply me with wealth? Then what Allah has brought me is more charitable (i.e., better) than what He has brought you. No indeed, (but) you exult with your present. Return to them. So indeed we will definitely come up against them with hosts they cannot withstand (Literally: of no withstanding). Indeed, we will definitely drive them out there from humiliated, and they will be (utterly) belittled.” (TMQ, 27:36-37). She sent him an envoy with a magnificent gift. When he saw this, Solaiman (AS) said, “What Allah has granted me of prophet-hood, religion, knowledge, miracles is much better than what He provided you, but you are only too pleased with worldly gifts.” Observe the honour of Islam in the words of the ayahs: He would send a great army because He had insisted on his concepts. This sagacious woman decided to go out herself to meet him and apologize. She commanded a delegation to be prepared. When news reached Solaiman (AS) that she was coming to meet him, he realized that she was a wise woman and did not dispatch his army. However, he wished to overwhelm her with Islamic civilization and technology.
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "He said, “O you chiefs, whichever one of you will come up to me with (i.e., bring) her throne before they come up to me as Muslims?” (Or: in surrender).” (TMQ, 27:38). That is so that when she first arrived she would see her throne. He was not doing this out of conceit (Allah (SWT)-forbid) but only to ascertain Islamic power and civilization. If you do not possess the means (skill, language, talent, etc.) to impress people in order to draw them to the progressiveness Islam offers, they will not be drawn nor convinced. He did not want to impress her with words, but with real evidence of the supremacy of Muslims and the glory of Islamic civilization. This takes us back to the importance of knowledge and technology.
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as,"A Ifrit (i.e., powerful, stalwart) of the jinn said, “I will come up with it to you before you rise up from your station; and surely I am indeed powerful for it (and) trustworthy." (TMQ, 27:39). Solaiman (AS) was accustomed to assemble with the people for giving legal opinion and judgment. A jinni said he could bring that throne before Solaiman (AS) got up from that council. Solaiman (AS), however, was not satisfied with that: Muslims possessed higher technology than this.
Who amongst those who keep regular prayers in the mosque rank among the highest in high school or college? What kind of unique achievement will the religious Muslim woman, dressed in an Islamic way, offer? Does becoming religious define an endpoint? Indeed, it is only the commencement of success in this world, but most people do not understand.
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "Said he in whose presence was knowledge of the Book, “I will come up with it (i.e., bring) to you before your glance returns on you.” (i.e., in the twinkling of an eye).” (TMQ, 27:40) Who was it who had this knowledge? It was not Solaiman (AS); the Qur’an would have informed us if this were the case. Scholars of Qur’anic exegesis have differing opinions: some say it was a man who knew the Great name of Allah (SWT), though there is no real evidence. It seems that Allah (SWT) may occasionally let some of His creatures on secrets unknown to prophets like the story of al-Khidr in (Surat al-Kahf). There may be some people among us who see in their dreams universal events which may come true. If one happens to be one of those, then he should know that it is a gift from Allah (SWT)- thank Him and do not use it in wrongdoing.
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “Then, as soon as he saw it secured in position in his presence, he (Solaiman) said, “This is of the Grace of my Lord that He may try me, whether I thank (Him) or be ungrateful. And whoever thanks (Him), then surely he thanks only for his (own) self, and whoever is ungrateful, (Or: whoever disbelieves) then surely my Lord is Ever-Affluent, (Literally: Ever-Wealthy, Ever-Rich) Ever-Honorable.” (TMQ, 27:40). Suddenly, he had found the throne in front of him, so he thanked Allah (SWT). As you may have noticed, Solaiman (AS) used to thank Allah (SWT) for all His blessings. In the Qur’an, thanking and gratitude are mentioned hand in hand. Whoever thanks will be the one to benefit because Allah (SWT) is self-sufficient and does not need our thanks.
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "He said, “Disguise her throne for her, that we may look into whether she is guided, or she is of the ones who are not guided.” (TMQ, 27:41). The throne contained jewellery and gold. Solaiman (AS) ordered that the ornaments of this jewellery be changed to test her intelligence. If she proved to be intelligent, it would be easy for her to embrace Islam; the mind is drawn to it. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "So, as soon as she came, it was said, “Is your throne just like this?” She said, “(It is) as though it were the (very) one.” (TMQ, 27:42).
She seemed to be intelligent, for she neither confirmed nor denied. Notice how Allah (SWT) combined knowledge and Islam. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “And (Solaiman) (Solomon) said, “We were brought the knowledge before her, and we were Muslims.” (i.e., we surrendered ‘to Allah’). (TMQ, 27:42) She, however, persisted on disbelieving. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "And what she used to worship, apart from Allah, barred her (from belief); (for) surely she was of a disbelieving people." (TMQ, 27:43). Her pride was a barrier and the fact that she was a queen.
Solaiman (AS) wanted to give her another chance: he would overwhelm her with greater technology that had not arrived yet, not even in the twenty-first century! Brothers, it is inevitable that we should possess industrial pre-eminence and that we are keen on the enhancement of our nation so that amongst us will emerge the best computer engineer or the best parable writer in the world, for example.
Therefore, strive hard, young people. Disbelievers will not pay attention to one who prays a great deal. They will be influenced and believe if, besides spiritualism and faith, we also advance in knowledge.
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "It was said to her, “Enter the tower...” (TMQ, 27:44) so that he could complete his negotiations with her in order that she would believe. She came onto a great establishment. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "Then as soon as she saw it, she reckoned it a pool…" (TMQ, 27:44). This palace was constructed on the water: for her to reach the gate, she had to cross the ‘water.’ Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “… and she uncovered both her shanks. He said, “Surely it is a tower smoothed of crystal...” (TMQ, 27:44). True, though what she was facing was seawater, it was covered with a very delicate layer of glass which, despite its fragility, could still endure added weight. By Allah (SWT), has any civilization been able to construct such a building? Islam is what makes us excel! The notion 'Islam versus erudition' is a misconception. We do not know, up to our present day, how that building was constructed, nor does the Qur’an inform us. It was the technology that made her come to her senses and believe. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "She said, “Lord! Surely I have done injustice to myself, and I (now) surrender (i.e., I am a Muslim) with Solaiman to Allah, The Lord of the worlds.” (TMQ, 27:44). Excel in both your worldly and religious knowledge, and in your ethics, so that people will esteem and trust you when you are guiding them to Allah (SWT). Notice how, despite stepping-down on her pride, she still did not forget the fact that she was a queen, so she said, “I submit with Solaiman” not “for Solaiman.”
The death of Solaiman (AS):
After a full and outstanding life, it was time for Solaiman (AS) to die. Allah (SWT) has an appointed time for all His creatures. Allah (SWT) wanted the death of Solaiman (AS) to be a moral for all those who claim that the jinn have knowledge of the unseen.
A few months before his death, Solaiman (AS) commanded the jinn to construct a great tower for Islam. They continued constructing while Solaiman (AS) leaned on his cane, standing on a terrace observing them. Every time they wanted to stop, they found him watching. They were too fearful of being imprisoned by him that they would just resume working. One day, while standing in this condition, he died; he did not fall to the ground, however, as he was leaning on his cane. His successor found out about his death but did not inform anyone because he wanted the jinn to complete their work. Every now and then, he would come to whisper in his ears to deceive the jinn so they will feel that he was alive. All the time the jinn were truly wondering how he could remain in that condition not eating, drinking, sleeping, nor even sitting for so many weeks! Here is sure evidence that the jinn have no knowledge of the unseen at all. Weeks passed by with Solaiman (AS) standing in this condition until the earthworms started gnawing at the lower part of his cane making it hollow.
As a result, it could not support him any longer and he fell down. Only then did the jinn realize that Solaiman (AS) had died a while ago. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “So, as soon as We decreed death for him, in no way did anything indicate to them his death except the beast of the earth eating his rod. Then, as soon as he collapsed, the jinn evidently (saw) that; if they had known the Unseen, in no way would they have lingered in the degrading torment.” (TMQ, 34:14). Whoever believes that the jinn have the ability to do as they please, and the power to foresee the future, read this ayah and Allah's explanation of this matter in the Qur’an; come to your senses and strengthen your reliance on Allah (SWT).
That was the story of Solaiman (AS). Honour Islam and Allah (SWT) will honour and raise you!
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “All Extolment be to your Lord, The Lord of Might, above whatever they describe! And peace be upon the Emissaries; And praise be to Allah, The Lord of the worlds.” (TMQ, 37:180-182).
Imagine our prophet Solaiman’s expression while listening to the vibrations of the ant's voice. The very concept is, without doubt, a great blessing; how had the ant recognized Solaiman (AS)? We have learned in the previous lecture (in Solaiman I) that those who command good, guide people, invite to Allah's path, and call for reform are recognized by the whole universe.
Nevertheless, why did he laugh? Notice the meticulous character of the Qur’anic expression in describing how he gradually smiled until he started laughing. He smiled because Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as (the ant saying), “(while) they are not aware.” (TMQ, 27:18). The ant knew, by instinct, that a Muslim army could not exterminate a population of ants unjustly because a Muslim army was pure and virtuous. Solaiman (AS) laughed because he realized how the whole universe recognized that Muslims were God-fearing; they did not act irrationally. Observe the nature of Solaiman’s character. What delights and moves him most is nothing but a religious triumph. An extremely significant meaning can be noted here; is it possible to claim that Islam is a source of terror and injustice when it does not allow harming even a single ant?
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "… and said, “Lord! Dispense me to thank (You) for Your favor wherewith You have favored me…” (TMQ, 27:19). This, very simply, means: ‘O Allah, make me assemble all my might, my potentials, my mental power, my whole existence, and all that I have in order to thank You.’
Do any of us possess this dignifying feeling of thanking Allah (SWT) for all His blessings? Dawud (AS) (David) had also asked it formerly, “My Lord, how can I thank you, when thanking You is by itself a blessing which deserves thanks?” Allah (SWT) answered, “Dawud, you have thanked Me by acknowledging that.” Is there any one who is pre-occupied with thanking Allah (SWT), who sits counting some of Allah's blessings, and who is so moved that he cries affectionately, “Allah, how can I express my gratitude when You have endowed me with so and so and blessed me with so and so?” Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “Indeed in case you thank (Him), indeed I will definitely increase you "(TMQ, 14:7). The more you thank Allah (SWT), the more He grants you; if you want to enhance your talent, intellect, financial status, etc., thank Allah (SWT), use that blessing in his obedience, and engage your service to content Him, and He will bestow upon you with more blessings. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “Do (righteousness), House of Dawûud, in thankfulness; and few of My bondmen are constantly thankful” (TMQ, 34:13). I am deeply affected every time I hear these words. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as “Lord! Dispense me to thank (You)” (TMQ, 27:19). At the end of the ayah (verse), Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as (Solaiman (AS) saying), “… and cause me to enter by Your mercy, among Your righteous bondmen.” (TMQ, 27:19). Solaiman (AS) is asking Allah (SWT) to include him with His righteous slaves even though he is in fact, a pioneer.
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "And he reviewed the birds; then he said, “what is it with me that I do not see the hoopoe? Or is he among the absent?” (TMQ, 27:20). Solaiman (AS) had a habit of queuing his army, which was composed of multiple creatures, so that it was always alert and on the defence. He searched, but could not find the hoopoe; indeed, it requires sharpness to recognize that one hoopoe was absent out of so many (one amusing interpretation by some scholars, though, not supported by evidence, was that the hoopoe’s wings used to block the sun’s heat from Solaiman (AS)). What is the story and where is the hoopoe?
The hoopoe knew the time for the morning assembly; he was flying and picking out his means of living while preparing for the gathering. Being a respectable soldier, he was aware of the time. However, while soaring at a great altitude, he observed some people prostrating to the sun. He wondered what to do: should he fly back that great distance from Yemen, where those people were, to Palestine, where Solaiman (AS) was in order to arrive on time for the morning assembly. Should he stay and check this disaster? Finally, his positivism took over and he did not accept lining up, flapping his wings, and leaving this matter behind without bringing its details.
“I have to hurry and warn those people before they are severely punished!” he thought. He flew to Yemen, omitting the assembly, and began watching those people. He looked for further details until he saw a woman governing them.
This is for all those who are not concerned with guiding people: we are not just relating stories. Each of us should be deeply concerned about Islam. Only then will we find the contemporary condition of Muslims improving, as well as a better amendment of the whole universe. This is much better than each of us living for himself; if you take another person’s hands, you will develop into a stronger person day by day and you will not be alone. Pious companions will surround you. Brothers and sisters, the hoopoe had protectiveness for Islam and positivism, and he was preoccupied with an important issue, not just plain talk. Allah (SWT) is recounting this so that we may feel ashamed for any responsibility we fail to hold for our religion. It is not a question of religious lectures; the whole issue of religion must fill up your heart and become the essence of your existence.
The hoopoe flew back, but Solaiman (AS) had threatened to punish him because he was very late, contrary to the character of a Muslim army. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "And he reviewed the birds; then he said, “What is it with me that I do not see the hoopoe? Or is he among the absent? Indeed I will definitely torment him with a strict torment or indeed I will definitely slay him, or indeed he should definitely come up to me with an evident, all-binding authority." (TMQ, 27:20-21).
Imagine the immense effort the hoopoe undertook as he flew back and forth and compare it to being too lazy to address your neighbour residing next to you about Islam.
When the rest of the birds saw the hoopoe they warned him that Solaiman (AS) would harm him by plucking his feathers. Did he waver? I want you to imagine the scene. Allah (SWT) says, about the hoopoe, what can be translated as, “Yet he stayed (a while) without being far away, then said, “I have encompassed that which you have not encompassed, and I have come from Saba to you with a tiding of certitude." (TMQ, 27:22) He stayed close to Solaiman (AS), firmly rooted and unshaken, and imparted to him words that would be recited until the Day of Judgment. Such words are not issued except from one who is faithful to his religion, bearing jealousy for Islam, and having self-confidence.
The hoopoe continued his story, Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “Surely I found a woman ruling over them, and she has been brought (much) of everything, and she has a magnificent throne.” (TMQ, 27:23). He holds the tiniest details. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as "I found her and her people prostrating to the sun, apart from Allah; and Ash-Shaytan (The ever-vicious, i.e., the Devil) has adorned (i.e., made attractive) their deeds to them, so has barred them from the way, so that they are not guided, So that they do not prostrate (themselves) to Allah, Who brings out what is hidden in the heavens and the earth. And He knows whatever you conceal and whatever you make public." (TMQ, 27:24-25). Note his jealousy for Islam! Is there any of us whose blood boils because of his concern for Islam on behalf of his relatives, his friends, etc.? He mentions “what is hidden,” indicating his foodstuff concealed beneath the vegetation, his love for Allah (SWT) is connected with his source of sustenance, ‘Allah is the One who feeds me, he acknowledges.’ Our sustenance is also in the hands of Allah (SWT). Learn from the hoopoe! He knows it is not the proficiency of his beak that brings out the seeds; it is Allah's grace, which makes it possible, “knows whatever you conceal and whatever you make public.” When he mentioned the hidden, he also mentioned the concealed intentions in our hearts, which only Allah (SWT) knows. He had noted the queen's throne, “she has a magnificent throne” but he remembered that her throne was worthless in comparison to Allah's throne. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as “Allah, there is no god except He, The Lord of the Magnificent Throne.” (TMQ, 27:26). By Allah (SWT), we need loads of hoopoes like this one!
We pause here at some intriguing connotations in the ayahs. The Qur’an is not restricted in its meanings and does not expire, no matter how often you turn to it; its wonders do not end for it is Allah's words on Earth. In those words, we come across great values like the traits of a successful leader. What attributes in one’s personality can make one a successful leader in an institution, school, hospital, etc.?
1. A successful leader checks on his employees and inquires about them. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "And he reviewed the birds”(TMQ 27:20)
2. He must not be hasty or reckless. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as “what is it with me that I do not see the hoopoe? Or is he among the absent?" (TMQ 27:20). If he had assumed quickly that the hoopoe was not there and threatened to punish him, the hoopoe could have been there, but Solaiman (AS) could not see him.
3. He must be resolute. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as , “Indeed I will definitely torment him with a strict torment or indeed I will definitely slay him, or indeed he should definitely come up to me with an evident, all-binding authority." (TMQ 27:21) No leader should be indecisive or else calamity would pervade throughout the army.
4. He must be objective and fair-minded. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “or indeed he should definitely come up to me with an evident, all-binding authority.” (TMQ 27:21)
5. He must be a good-listener. If the hoopoe had not known that, he would have escaped, but he stayed near-by.
The Qur’an also teaches us the virtues of a good employee:
1- Positivism: a Muslim employee should not simply go to work in the morning and come back home in the evening without thinking of ways to innovate progress.
2- Self-confidence: very important and we can sense it from what Allah (SWT) says and can be translated as, “without being far away” (TMQ 27:22).
3- The ability to categorize priorities: one matter is more important than another. Solaiman (AS) understood that what the hoopoe did was the right thing, for if he had lined-up with the others, he would not have been able to direct Solaiman (AS) to the transgressed tribe.
4- Accuracy in recounting information. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "I have come from Saba to you with a tiding of certitude." (TMQ, 27:22)
A comprehensive and magnificent skill of administration is given here.
Allah (SWT) says, what can be translated as, "He said, “We will soon look whether you have (spoken) sincerely or whether you are among the liars. Go with this book (i.e., letter) of mine, then cast it to them; thereafter turn away from them, (and) so look what (answer) they return.” (TMQ, 27:27-28). Why the hoopoe? It would have been possible to assign this task to anyone else, but Solaiman (AS) wanted the hoopoe to have the full reward, since he was the one who brought the matter into light. He said, “… thereafter turn away from them” so that the hoopoe would not eavesdrop - observe the manners! “(and) so look what (answer) they return” indicates that he was to stay at a distance and bring back their news.
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "She said, “O you chiefs, surely an honorable book has been cast to me. Surely it is from Solaiman, (Solomon) and surely it is in The Name of Allah, The All-Merciful, The Ever-Merciful. That “You should not exalt yourselves against me, and come up to me as Muslims.” (Or: in surrender).” (TMQ, 27:29-31)
Clearly, she did not want to fight and was paving the way for peace. The letter she received was composed of four words (in Arabic): Don’t remain arrogant and submit to Allah (SWT). It is alleged that the first to write, “In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Ever-Merciful,” in a letter was Solaiman (AS).
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “She said, “O you chiefs, pronounce to me concerning my command; in no way have I affirmed (Literally: cutting) a command until you bear witness.” (TMQ, 27:32). It is evident that she was a rational woman and the Qur’an has proven that she was a woman of sense and awareness of consultation. We find here an extremely significant meaning: Islam does not view women as feeble-minded. The Hadith, where it was reported that the Prophet (SAWS)[3] said, addressing women, “… I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you” (The complete version of this Hadith is in Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 6, Number 301) only means that the decrease in her religion is in the quantity during her menstruation, whereas, the decrease in her mind or judgment is because Allah (SWT) has bestowed her with excess emotion, which sometimes overcomes her judgment. However, this does not mean that women are incapable of thinking or fair judgment. Here is the Qur’an, proving to us that this queen was intelligent, and of sound and sophisticated thoughts. There are also various incidences throughout history confirming the cleverness and high-quality sense of women.
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “They said, “We are endowed with power, and we are endowed with strict violence, (i.e., we are strong and able to fight) and the command (rests) with you; so look into what you command (us).” (TMQ, 27:33).
It seems that they were inclined to fight, but they left the matter to her. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “She said, “Surely, kings, when they enter a town, do corruption in it and make the mighty ones of its population humiliated. And thus they (too) will perform (similarly).” (TMQ, 27:34). She was more prone to conciliatory means, which defines her femininity and rational disposition. She composed a plan to determine whether he was a prophet, or a king eager for her empire. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "And surely I am sending to them a present, so I am waiting to look into what the emissaries return with.” (TMQ, 27:35). “I will send a gift: if he is a worldly man he will accept it and the whole matter will end, but if he is a religious man and rejects the gift and insists on his call to Allah, then we will not fight him.” What can one think of the mentality of this woman?
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "So, as soon as he (the envoy) came to Solaiman, (Solomon) he said, “Would you supply me with wealth? Then what Allah has brought me is more charitable (i.e., better) than what He has brought you. No indeed, (but) you exult with your present. Return to them. So indeed we will definitely come up against them with hosts they cannot withstand (Literally: of no withstanding). Indeed, we will definitely drive them out there from humiliated, and they will be (utterly) belittled.” (TMQ, 27:36-37). She sent him an envoy with a magnificent gift. When he saw this, Solaiman (AS) said, “What Allah has granted me of prophet-hood, religion, knowledge, miracles is much better than what He provided you, but you are only too pleased with worldly gifts.” Observe the honour of Islam in the words of the ayahs: He would send a great army because He had insisted on his concepts. This sagacious woman decided to go out herself to meet him and apologize. She commanded a delegation to be prepared. When news reached Solaiman (AS) that she was coming to meet him, he realized that she was a wise woman and did not dispatch his army. However, he wished to overwhelm her with Islamic civilization and technology.
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "He said, “O you chiefs, whichever one of you will come up to me with (i.e., bring) her throne before they come up to me as Muslims?” (Or: in surrender).” (TMQ, 27:38). That is so that when she first arrived she would see her throne. He was not doing this out of conceit (Allah (SWT)-forbid) but only to ascertain Islamic power and civilization. If you do not possess the means (skill, language, talent, etc.) to impress people in order to draw them to the progressiveness Islam offers, they will not be drawn nor convinced. He did not want to impress her with words, but with real evidence of the supremacy of Muslims and the glory of Islamic civilization. This takes us back to the importance of knowledge and technology.
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as,"A Ifrit (i.e., powerful, stalwart) of the jinn said, “I will come up with it to you before you rise up from your station; and surely I am indeed powerful for it (and) trustworthy." (TMQ, 27:39). Solaiman (AS) was accustomed to assemble with the people for giving legal opinion and judgment. A jinni said he could bring that throne before Solaiman (AS) got up from that council. Solaiman (AS), however, was not satisfied with that: Muslims possessed higher technology than this.
Who amongst those who keep regular prayers in the mosque rank among the highest in high school or college? What kind of unique achievement will the religious Muslim woman, dressed in an Islamic way, offer? Does becoming religious define an endpoint? Indeed, it is only the commencement of success in this world, but most people do not understand.
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "Said he in whose presence was knowledge of the Book, “I will come up with it (i.e., bring) to you before your glance returns on you.” (i.e., in the twinkling of an eye).” (TMQ, 27:40) Who was it who had this knowledge? It was not Solaiman (AS); the Qur’an would have informed us if this were the case. Scholars of Qur’anic exegesis have differing opinions: some say it was a man who knew the Great name of Allah (SWT), though there is no real evidence. It seems that Allah (SWT) may occasionally let some of His creatures on secrets unknown to prophets like the story of al-Khidr in (Surat al-Kahf). There may be some people among us who see in their dreams universal events which may come true. If one happens to be one of those, then he should know that it is a gift from Allah (SWT)- thank Him and do not use it in wrongdoing.
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “Then, as soon as he saw it secured in position in his presence, he (Solaiman) said, “This is of the Grace of my Lord that He may try me, whether I thank (Him) or be ungrateful. And whoever thanks (Him), then surely he thanks only for his (own) self, and whoever is ungrateful, (Or: whoever disbelieves) then surely my Lord is Ever-Affluent, (Literally: Ever-Wealthy, Ever-Rich) Ever-Honorable.” (TMQ, 27:40). Suddenly, he had found the throne in front of him, so he thanked Allah (SWT). As you may have noticed, Solaiman (AS) used to thank Allah (SWT) for all His blessings. In the Qur’an, thanking and gratitude are mentioned hand in hand. Whoever thanks will be the one to benefit because Allah (SWT) is self-sufficient and does not need our thanks.
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "He said, “Disguise her throne for her, that we may look into whether she is guided, or she is of the ones who are not guided.” (TMQ, 27:41). The throne contained jewellery and gold. Solaiman (AS) ordered that the ornaments of this jewellery be changed to test her intelligence. If she proved to be intelligent, it would be easy for her to embrace Islam; the mind is drawn to it. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "So, as soon as she came, it was said, “Is your throne just like this?” She said, “(It is) as though it were the (very) one.” (TMQ, 27:42).
She seemed to be intelligent, for she neither confirmed nor denied. Notice how Allah (SWT) combined knowledge and Islam. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “And (Solaiman) (Solomon) said, “We were brought the knowledge before her, and we were Muslims.” (i.e., we surrendered ‘to Allah’). (TMQ, 27:42) She, however, persisted on disbelieving. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "And what she used to worship, apart from Allah, barred her (from belief); (for) surely she was of a disbelieving people." (TMQ, 27:43). Her pride was a barrier and the fact that she was a queen.
Solaiman (AS) wanted to give her another chance: he would overwhelm her with greater technology that had not arrived yet, not even in the twenty-first century! Brothers, it is inevitable that we should possess industrial pre-eminence and that we are keen on the enhancement of our nation so that amongst us will emerge the best computer engineer or the best parable writer in the world, for example.
Therefore, strive hard, young people. Disbelievers will not pay attention to one who prays a great deal. They will be influenced and believe if, besides spiritualism and faith, we also advance in knowledge.
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "It was said to her, “Enter the tower...” (TMQ, 27:44) so that he could complete his negotiations with her in order that she would believe. She came onto a great establishment. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "Then as soon as she saw it, she reckoned it a pool…" (TMQ, 27:44). This palace was constructed on the water: for her to reach the gate, she had to cross the ‘water.’ Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “… and she uncovered both her shanks. He said, “Surely it is a tower smoothed of crystal...” (TMQ, 27:44). True, though what she was facing was seawater, it was covered with a very delicate layer of glass which, despite its fragility, could still endure added weight. By Allah (SWT), has any civilization been able to construct such a building? Islam is what makes us excel! The notion 'Islam versus erudition' is a misconception. We do not know, up to our present day, how that building was constructed, nor does the Qur’an inform us. It was the technology that made her come to her senses and believe. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "She said, “Lord! Surely I have done injustice to myself, and I (now) surrender (i.e., I am a Muslim) with Solaiman to Allah, The Lord of the worlds.” (TMQ, 27:44). Excel in both your worldly and religious knowledge, and in your ethics, so that people will esteem and trust you when you are guiding them to Allah (SWT). Notice how, despite stepping-down on her pride, she still did not forget the fact that she was a queen, so she said, “I submit with Solaiman” not “for Solaiman.”
The death of Solaiman (AS):
After a full and outstanding life, it was time for Solaiman (AS) to die. Allah (SWT) has an appointed time for all His creatures. Allah (SWT) wanted the death of Solaiman (AS) to be a moral for all those who claim that the jinn have knowledge of the unseen.
A few months before his death, Solaiman (AS) commanded the jinn to construct a great tower for Islam. They continued constructing while Solaiman (AS) leaned on his cane, standing on a terrace observing them. Every time they wanted to stop, they found him watching. They were too fearful of being imprisoned by him that they would just resume working. One day, while standing in this condition, he died; he did not fall to the ground, however, as he was leaning on his cane. His successor found out about his death but did not inform anyone because he wanted the jinn to complete their work. Every now and then, he would come to whisper in his ears to deceive the jinn so they will feel that he was alive. All the time the jinn were truly wondering how he could remain in that condition not eating, drinking, sleeping, nor even sitting for so many weeks! Here is sure evidence that the jinn have no knowledge of the unseen at all. Weeks passed by with Solaiman (AS) standing in this condition until the earthworms started gnawing at the lower part of his cane making it hollow.
As a result, it could not support him any longer and he fell down. Only then did the jinn realize that Solaiman (AS) had died a while ago. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “So, as soon as We decreed death for him, in no way did anything indicate to them his death except the beast of the earth eating his rod. Then, as soon as he collapsed, the jinn evidently (saw) that; if they had known the Unseen, in no way would they have lingered in the degrading torment.” (TMQ, 34:14). Whoever believes that the jinn have the ability to do as they please, and the power to foresee the future, read this ayah and Allah's explanation of this matter in the Qur’an; come to your senses and strengthen your reliance on Allah (SWT).
That was the story of Solaiman (AS). Honour Islam and Allah (SWT) will honour and raise you!
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “All Extolment be to your Lord, The Lord of Might, above whatever they describe! And peace be upon the Emissaries; And praise be to Allah, The Lord of the worlds.” (TMQ, 37:180-182).