The Creation of Adam - Part 1

Today’s lesson is entitled “The Creation of Adam (AS)”, however it seems that I will be talking about something else, namely, the submission, humility, surrender, and capitulation between the Hands of Allah (Exalted and Glorious). But, what is the relationship between these topics?

The prominent concept that comes into my mind whenever I talk about Adam’s creation (PBUH) is the submission to Allah (SWT). Hence, your heart must essentially feel—when you listen to the process of the creation of Adam (our father)(PBUH)—how weak and needy you are between the Hands of Allah (SWT), and that you have no other God but Him (SWT). So, let us start with how Adam (PBUH) was created.

You read in the Qur’an—in different Ayat (verses)—that Adam (PBUH) was created from “dust”, “clay”, “sticky clay”, “dried clay”, “dried clay of altered mud”, or “sounding clay like the clay of pottery”, then what is the conclusion, and from which material was Adam (PBUH) created? Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “Verily, the likeness of ‘Isa (Jesus) before Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) said to him: “Be!” - and he was.” (TMQ, Al Imran: 59) (1).

But look at another Ayah, “(Remember) when your Lord said to the angels: 'Truly I am going to create man from clay'.” (Surat Saad: 71), then He added in another Ayah, “Verily, We created them of a sticky clay.” (TMQ, As Saffat: 11).

What does all this mean? Was he created from dust or clay? Allah (Exalted and Glorious) also says what can be translated as, “And indeed, We created man from dried (sounding) clay of altered mud.” (Surat Al Hijr: 26), then He said in another Ayah what can be translated as, “He created man (Adam) from sounding clay like the clay of pottery.” (TMQ, Ar-Rahman: 14).

Actually, Adam (PBUH) was created from all these materials through the various stages of the process of his creation. Each stage led to the next one, until his creation was completed. So now, let us start step by step to point out why Allah (SWT) made him undergo all these stages. Adam (PBUH) passed through six stages in the course of his creation, so let us benefit from this presentation, for Allah (SWT) coveys a message to us, and teaches us a lesson in each stage.

* The First Stage: Dust

The Prophet (PBUH) said, “Allah created Adam from a handful of dust taken from different lands, so the children of Adam have been created according to the composition of the land. Therefore, from mankind we have white, red, black and yellow ones; we have good and evil, ease and sorrow, and what comes in between them.” (Sahih Bukhari and At-Tirmidhi), and in another narration, he (PBUH) said “Allah the Almighty sent Gabriel onto the earth to get Him a handful of dust taken from different lands. Therefore, the children of Adam have been created according to the composition of the land.” What does this mean? The characteristics of people are different because they were created from various heaps of dust taken from all over the world; so there are red, white, and black people, and there are easy and hard-hearted, evil and good persons. This Hadith shows us that our beginning was from a heap of dust, taken from different parts of the earth. That is the reason men have different colors. People have different colors—red, black, white, yellow—like the different colors of dust, and different natures, too. A good person, who comes close to Allah (SWT), once he hears the message, is like good fertile ground. An evil person who insists on wickedness and returns to it, even if you preach to him and help him several times, is like evil land. A hardhearted person who can never feel tenderness is like hard land that is full of thorns, and a kind person whom you love easily is like smooth land.

So, we want to look back at our origin, and realize that we were nothing. We were made of dust, so Glory be to Allah who made the dust speak, think, sail on the water, go up to the sky, and explore space. Glory be to Allah who turned the dust into human beings who move on the earth.

The concept I want to emphasize is how can you--Son of Adam--disobey Allah (SWT)? How can the dust say ‘No’ to the orders of Allah? How can you commit adultery, drink wine, or refuse to pray the prayers at their prescribed times, which is the most desirable work to Allah (SWT)? How can this heap of dust, which is turned into a human being, refuse to follow the orders of Allah (SWT)? Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “Be cursed (the disbelieving) man! How ungrateful he is! From what thing did He create him? From Nutfah (male and female fluids) He created him and then set him in due proportion. Then He makes the Path easy for him. Then He causes him to die and puts him in his grave. Then when it is His Will, He will resurrect him (again).” (TMQ, ‘Abasa: 17-22). Don't you feel how weak and needy you are? Actually, the aim of this lesson is to learn submission, as if I am teaching you a lesson about the value of submission to Allah (SWT); not about the stories of the prophets. This is the understanding I want you to get from it.

My brothers, we were first created from dust. Listen to the Divine Hadith (Hadith Qudsi). Allah (SWT) said, “The one who humbles himself to Me like this (and the Prophet (PBUH) lowered the palm of his hand till it reached the floor), I would elevate him as far as this (and the prophet (PBUH) kept raising his hand so high towards the sky)”.

This was about our creation from dust. How needy and weak we are! Adam (PBUH) was called ‘Adam’ because he was created from the ‘Adeem’ (the dust) of the earth. This is to make us always related to the dust, and to remember that we are from dust whenever Allah (SWT) says, “O’ sons of Adam”. We are the descendents of Adam, who is from dust. This is the first stage of our creation.

Now, do you still insist on your disobedience to the orders of Allah (SWT), even after you knew that you are from dust, and that you are made to speak by the orders of Allah (SWT)?

* The Second Stage: the Clay

The dust was soaked with water, so it became clay. (See how very poor we are!). This is the meaning of what Allah (SWT) says to the Angels and can be translated as, “(Remember) when your Lord said to the angels: “Truly I am going to create man from clay”. (TMQ, Saad: 71). Why did Allah (SWT) choose these two elements (dust and water) to start Adam’s creation (PBUH)? Why did He not choose iron, for example? This is not only to humble ourselves before Allah (SWT), but it has another beautiful meaning.

The main function of dust and water is purification, cleanliness, and bathing. There is no purification without water. The Prophet (PBUH) said, “The earth has been made for me a place for praying and a thing to perform Tayammum (dry ablution with dust, when water is not available).” As if Allah (SWT) wants to say to us that our origin is pure and clean, since we are created of the purest elements on the earth. So, be aware of contaminating this purity. For those people who watch forbidden and disgraceful satellite channels, or those who visit immoral sites on the internet, why do you pollute this purity inside you? By doing this, a person imagines that all women and men are wicked, and that the origin of mankind is filth. This is absolutely wrong. We are created from dust and water to realize that we are pure and clean.

Compare these meanings with the meanings of the Western civilization, which perceives Man as a ‘bad insect’. There is an international Western scholar who said, “Man is a malignant insect, which lives among the garbage of life.” Can you imagine that he said such a thing, although he is an international scholar? We must not defile the purity from which we were made.

The one who used to commit adultery contaminates the most virtuous thing in himself. The one who abuses drugs defiles the purest soul inside him. Just like a person who throws junk in the water and pollutes it, would you drink it? Man is the one who defiles himself, and pollutes the dust and the water from which he was created, so he makes people hate to deal with him and with the pure things he was created from. I hope that this meaning can convey my message to you.

I hope that everyone can realize the seriousness of becoming used to committing adultery and other similar sins. The girl who boldly allows a man to enjoy her body—even with a kiss—defiles the purity from which she was created. Take care of your origins; for your origins are composed of the most pure elements.

The dust was soaked with water, and then turned into clay.

* The Third Stage: Sticky Clay

The clay started to be more compact, until it became sticky, adhesive, and thick. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “Verily, We created them of sticky clay.” (TMQ, As-Saffat: 11). What is the meaning of “sticky”? It means that it is an adhesive mixture of clay that is easy to be shaped. What is the value of this stage? It is to show the meaning that you have strength and cohesion in your creation. Sometimes, one may feel that he is alone, lost, and has no aim in life. You are created from “sticky clay”, so do not scatter yourself. The meaning of stickiness is united. When a person is far from Allah (SWT), he becomes lost and scattered. Without Allah, your heart becomes scattered, dispersed, and alone. You must get exhausted, because the entire universe goes in the direction of Allah (SWT), while you go in the opposite direction. The “sticky clay” basically means that you have cohesion and unity. Some people, who are away from Allah (SWT), feel that they are nothing, and that they have no existence as if they are mere air, while you are created from a mixture of sticky clay; you are not scattered. The clay clung together and became easy to be shaped.

* The Forth Stage: molding and shaping

At this stage, Adam (PBUH) is now sticky clay, which is easy to be shaped. Then Allah (SWT) molded him with His Hands. There is no God, but Allah (SWT). Do you feel submission and humility to Allah (SWT)? Adam (PBUH) was molded by the Hands of Allah (SWT)! Then a question might be raised; what is the evidence for this? It is in what Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “(Allah) said: “O Iblis (Satan)! What prevents you from prostrating yourself to one whom I have created with Both My Hands? Are you too proud (to fall prostrate to Adam) or are you one of the high exalted?”“ (TMQ, Saad: 75). Adam (PBUH) was created by the Hands of Allah (SWT). Do not ask how, and do not try to find either a resemblance or an embodiment of this action, but rather say, “There is nothing like Him.” The meaning itself that our father Adam (PBUH) was created by the Hands of Allah (SWT) is enough. Are you going to submit to Allah (SWT) or not?

The creatures, which are created with the noble Hands of Allah (SWT), must remain pure. Say to yourself what you would not say to Allah (SWT), who created our father with His Hands, “I am free, I will not wear a scarf, I will not pray, or I will not be kind to my parents since I am not convinced about this!”. Do you feel Allah’s (SWT) affection for you? This is the meaning; the one who creates something with his hands makes it as evidence of his love for this thing. Perceive your value to Allah (SWT); for we are dear to Allah (SWT). So how can we dare disobey Allah (SWT) after all this?

Listen to the Hadith Qudsi. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “O’ son of Adam, I created you with My Hands, and brought you up with My blessings, while you defy Me and disobey Me. If you repent afterwards, I will accept you. So where you can find a God like Me, the Most Merciful, the Most Forgiving.” Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “And whatever of blessings and good things you have, it is from Allâh” (TMQ, An-Nahl: 53). We are created by the Hands of Allah (SWT).

* The Fifth Stage: Drying the pottery clay

After these stages of creation (the dust was soaked with water and became clay, then the clay was compounded and became cohesive clay ready to be shaped, then Allah (SWT) molded it with His Hands, so it became a potter’s clay), the potter’s clay was left to dry, so its color was changed because of the influence of the winds. Look at our origin, how weak it was! How dare we to disobey Allah (SWT)? When the clay was wet, then it was exposed to the winds, its color changed and became like “dried clay of altered mud”. What is “dried clay of altered mud”? It is a kind of clay, the color of which changed to a lighter shade of black as a result of leaving it for some time to dry. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “And indeed, We created man from dried (sounding) clay of altered mud.” (TMQ, Al Hijr: 26). This emphasizes our weakness before Allah (SWT).

* The Sixth Stage: Sounding Clay

When the clay dried, it became hollow; it had an internal cavity (the cavity of the mouth). Therefore, it became like the clay of pottery, which is hollow, dry clay that makes a sound when it is tapped. Thus, Adam (PBUH) was a figure of dry clay with an internal cavity for the soul to enter through it. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “He created man (Adam) from sounding clay like the clay of pottery” (TMQ, Ar-Rahman: 14). Did I not tell you that today’s lesson is called humility, resignation, and submission to Allah (SWT)?

Iblis (Satan) started to turn this body around and to hit it; then he found that it made a sound. Hence, there is no contradiction between the Ayat, for there are six stages of Adam’s (PBUH) creation: dust, clay, sticky clay, clay in the shape of a human being, dried clay of altered mud, and then sounding clay like the clay of pottery. By that time, Adam (PBUH) was a huge figure. He was left like that, while the soul had not yet been breathed into him. Why did Adam’s (PBUH) creation pass through all these stages? Was Allah (SWT) not able to say to it, ““Be!” - and it is.” (TMQ, Al Baqara: 117)? I think that the answer is easy. It is to realize how weak you are and how powerful Allah (SWT) is, to know your need for Him, and to feel that you are nothing without Him.

Did you see the miracle, which made the dust move [or come alive]? Allah (SWT) is able to do anything.

This leads us to the next stage; for Adam (PBUH), by that time, was a huge figure made of hollow clay, while the soul had not been breathed into him yet. How long did he remain a body without a soul? People said a period of time. Some Hadith narrated by Al-Tabarany on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas inform us that he remained like this for 40 days. Why did he remain like this? To emphasize your weakness.

The Prophet (PBUH) said (Hadith narrated by Imam Muslim), “When Allah molded Adam, He left him in Paradise for sometime. Our original home is Paradise, since our father was created there. We have nothing to do with this world.” When I ask you about your homeland, you tell me it is Al-Mansoura, but I tell you that your homeland is your father’s homeland. The original homeland of your father is Paradise. You are a stranger in this world, and you came to this world for a prescribed mission, which is to prove that you are a servant of Allah, and you yearn to return to your original homeland. Adam was created in Paradise, although the dust he was created from was from the earth. The first things he saw were the blessings and the fruits of Paradise. I wonder that there are some people who never ask Allah to grant them Paradise throughout their lifetimes. I wonder about young boys and girls in this world who do not put Paradise as their most important goal in life. “When Allah (SWT) shaped Adam (PBUH) in Paradise, He left him there for sometime, then He made Iblis go around him and examine him. When Iblis saw that Adam (PBUH) was hollow, he realized that he cannot resist temptation, and that he can deceive him.” (Hadith narrated by Muslim)

I present this Hadith to you because Satan tries to examine every one of us. He looked at Adam (PBUH) examined him, and thought about how to enter his body when he was hollow, until he realized that his point of weakness is that he cannot control himself in the face of temptation. Satan examines every one of us, and he makes you love your point of weakness. He can make you blind to your point of weakness for twenty years, so you may repeat the same mistake for twenty years without noticing this, because he has examined you and knows your weakest point. This point of weakness has only one solution mentioned in the Qur’an. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “Certainly, you shall have no authority over My slaves…” (TMQ, Al Hijr: 42). Satan turns around you (as he did with your father [Adam]) trying to determine your point of weakness, for he actually knows the weakest point in every one of us. For example, someone may have his point of weakness in his friends, who deceive him, or in some one who introduces him to forbidden things. The only solution is to seek refuge and help from Allah (SWT), to come close to Allah (SWT), and to ask Him to save you from the deeds of Satan.

Adam (PBUH) remained in this stage for long period of time (40 years or 40 days). This is what is meant by what Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “Has there not been over man a period of time, when he was not a thing worth mentioning?” (TMQ, Al-Insân: 1). Allah (SWT) directs a question to us, have we ever been something worthless, or was it Man who originated the universe? The answer to the first part is, Yes, Allah, we have been worthless for a period of time.

As I told you, Adam (PBUH) was a huge figure made of hollow clay, and was left in Paradise. Now, a great thing will happen. I would like you to try to imagine this while I am telling it to you. It is the greatest thing Allah (SWT) did; it is breathing the soul into Adam’s body (PBUH). Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “So when I have fashioned him and breathed into him (his) soul created by Me, then you fall down prostrate to him.” (TMQ, Saad: 72).

My brothers and sisters, do we notice this breath inside us? You have a Heavenly breath inside you. You were created from two pure elements; dust and water, then Allah (SWT) did not only mold you with His own Hands; but He also breathed His soul into you. In this Ayah, there are three manifestations of honor for Man. The first one is “fashioned him”, which means that Allah (SWT) formed Adam (PBUH) in the most noble shape. The second is that Allah (SWT) breathed His soul into Adam (PBUH), and the third one is that all the angels prostrated to him. Do you want a better evaluation than this? Do you believe that Allah (SWT) likes this creature? Do you still not believe that you are noble and dear to Allah (SWT)? How can He be generous to you to this great extent, while you still do not want to love Him and do not yearn for Him? How can you defile this pure breath inside you? It is a breath from Allah (SWT). Of course, it is a formless breath, and we know nothing about it, and we do not ask about it, but we, rather, leave its knowledge to Allah (SWT). It is a Divine breath from Allah (SWT). You have purity inside you, but can you imagine its value when you contaminate it? How dare you hurt this pure breath by taking drugs or smoking cigarettes? How can some youth dare to insult each other, how can you eat bad or forbidden things, how can you earn money by unlawful means? How did you not respect this great breath?

You are noble and dear to Allah (SWT). I will tell you some Hadith Qudsi, in which Allah (SWT) shows His affection for you, and His desire that you should be close to Him. I will narrate to you some of them to stir you.

Allah (SWT) said in Hadith Qudsi, “I, mankind, and Jinn are in an odd situation; I create, and they worship others. I give and they thank others. My blessings go down to them and their evils come up to Me. I kindly offer them My mercy despite that I am in no need of them. They are fighting Me with sins while they are in pitiable need of Me. Those who are praising Me, are My servants. So, whoever wants to be one of My servants just celebrate My praises. Those who obey Me, are those whom I love. And those who disobey Me, I never exclude them from My Mercy. If they repent, I grant them My love, and if they refuse to repent, I will cure their hearts by afflictions until they are purified from defects. The good deed in My accounts equals ten and more, and the evil deed in My account equals one and I forgive. I swear with My Glory and Honor, if they ask for forgiveness I'll forgive them. Whoever repents and comes to Me, I will receive him though he is far away. And whoever turns back, I will call him closely telling him, ‘O’ My slave where are you going? Do you have any other God?’”

Allah (SWT) inspired Dawud (David), “O’ Dawud, if the reluctant persons would know My yearning for their return, My desire for their repentance, and my wish for forgiving them; they would ache for Me. O’ Dawud, [if] this is my desire for the reluctant persons, then what about My affection for the willing ones?” Look to His affection for us, his generosity, and his longing for us!

1) TMQ=Translation of the Meaning of the Qur'an. This translation is for the realized meaning, so far, of the stated (Surah:Ayah) of the Qur'an. Reading the translated meaning of the Qur'an can never replace reading it in Arabic, the language in which it was revealed.


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