The Creation of Adam - Part 4

Allah, be He Exalted and Glorified, says what can be translated as, “And indeed Iblîs (Satan’s name) did prove true his thought about them: and they followed him,” (TMQ, 34:20) (1). Iblîs thought that once he pointed to Man, he (man) would respond to him at altogether, “all except a group of true believers”. (TMQ, 34:20).
You will see Iblîs on the Day of Judgment in hell, leaning on a column to be seen by all the people in hell, while delivering the most famous speech in history. “And Shaytân (Satan) will say when the matter has been decided: "Verily, Allâh promised you a promise of truth. And I too promised you, but I betrayed you. I had no authority over you except that I called you, and you responded to me. So blame me not, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can you help me. I deny your former act in associating me (Satan) as a partner with Allâh (by obeying me in the worldly life). Verily, there is a painful torment for the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers)’ ”. (TMQ, 14:22).
Have you felt his enmity towards you?
Shaytan has his soldiers, he makes promises [for things that we desire], and he shares in our wealth and families, and you have soldiers and fortresses more powerful than he does. You have these eleven different soldiers and fortifications:
1. Seeking refuge with Allah: Once you resort to Allah, seeking refuge from Shaytan. Allah says what can be translated as, “And if an evil whisper comes to you from Shaytân, then seek refuge with Allâh. Verily, He is All-Hearer, All-Knower” (TMQ, 7:200). Shaytan has no power over you since he is “the whisperer who withdraws”. Allah set “the whisperer” and "who withdraws" beside each other, because “the evil whisperer” “withdraws from his whispering to one's heart after one remembers Allah”.
2. Dhikr (remembrances) of Allah: By continuously glorifying Him, saying “Glory to Allah, the Greatest” (sobhaan Allah al-Atheem), and “Praise be to Allah” (Alhamdu lillah).
3. Reciting the Ma'audhatayn: (the last two surahs of the Qur’an: Al-Falaq and An-Naas) every morning and evening. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recommends reading them to avoid evil.
4. Reciting Ayat-al-Kursi: (the Verse of the Chair/Throne). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says, “When you go to your bed, recite Ayat-al-Kursi, (2:255) for then there will be a guard from Allah who will protect you all night long, and Shaytan will not be able to come near you until dawn." (Bukhari) Recite it also after performing each prayer.
5. Reading Surat Al-Baqarah (The Cow): Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says, “Shaytan cannot come near the house whose people read Surat Al-Baqarah (The Cow)”. (Muslim)
6. Saying “There is no God but Allah, He who has no partner, owns everything, and to Whom we are all thankful. Allah is capable of everything; has the power to create life and death.”: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says, “Whoever says this 100 times daily is saved from Shaytan”. (Bukhari)
7. Ablution (wudhu): Shaytan is created from fire, which is extinguished by water.
8. Lowering one's gaze: The gaze allows a wide entrance for Shaytan.
9. Seeking the company of dutiful Muslims: Shaytan is always with the loner.
10. Prayers (salat): Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says, “If a man performs the Fajr (dawn) prayers and prostrates in worship, Shaytan says, “Woe to you! Man is ordered to prostrate and he did, hence his reward is Paradise. I was ordered to prostrate but I disobeyed, and my punishment is Hell”. (Sahih Muslim, 81)
11. Repentance (taubah): When Shaytan said to Allah, “I swear by Your Glory and Exaltedness to lure them”, Allah, be He Exalted and Glorified, replied what means, “I swear by My Glory and Exaltedness to forgive them as long as they ask My forgiveness”.
Have you awakened to the battle and perceived the soldiers and fortresses that Allah has granted you? You are stronger and much more powerful, so don't be afraid. Allah, be He Exalted and Glorified, says what means, “Will you then take him (Iblîs) and his offspring as protectors and helpers rather than Me while they are enemies to you? How evil is the exchange for the Zâlimûn (polytheists, and wrong-doers).” (TMQ, 18:50).
Shaytan was driven away from Paradise and it remained for Adam only. He lived alone, and so he felt lonely; he needed someone. Hawwa’ (Eve) was created from his rib while he was asleep. When he woke up, he found her beside him, he asked her:
- “Who are you?”
- “I am a woman”.
- “What's your name?”
- “Hawwa’”.
- “Why have you been created?”
- ”So that you may find repose in me”. (Isra’iliyat) (2).

Commenting on this:
• Why did she say “woman”?
Because she was created from “man”, so “woman” is part of “man”, and therefore the noun is derived from the noun “man”.

• Why was she called Hawwa’?
Because she was created from something alive (Hai in Arabic), i.e. Adam's rib.

• Why was she created while he was asleep?
So that he would not feel the pain of creation, which might cause some change in his heart toward her and prevent him from treating her tenderly.

Imam Al-Qurtubi in describing this point, “so that he would not feel the pain of her creation” says. “She was created while he was sleeping so that his heart would not change against her, because men are not dominated by emotions (affection, companionship, etc.). Hence, if he had felt the pain when she was created, he would have become annoyed with her as she had caused him pain.”

Can you imagine woman's pain while giving birth to her child? Emotions in woman dominate all other feelings, so her emotions increase with the increase of pain.
Can you appreciate the difference between man and woman?

The meaning of “to find repose in me” is to achieve reassurance and comfort on earth. Allah, be He Exalted and Glorified, says what means “And among His Signs is this, that He created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them” (TMQ, 30:21). So Woman was created as a symbol for repose, comfort and reassurance on earth. “Feeling reassured” refers to feeling comfortable and safe in a settled place, without which man becomes lost. Whenever Allah mentions Adam and Hawwa’, He mentions “to find repose in her”. The woman is able to make her house like Hell or make it full of comfort and safety.

Khadijah (RA) was a real comfort to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and she succeeded in achieving the target of her existence as a woman. Hence, when she died she deserved that moment when Jibril (AS) (Gabriel) descended from Heaven and told Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): "O Prophet of Allah! Give salutations to Khadija with Allah's peace. Tell her Allah heralds you with a palace made of mother-of-pearl". (Bukhari, Muslim)

Hawwa’ was created from a part of Adam. You may wonder: could she be created separately? Why was she created from Adam? Allah-be He Exalted and Glorified- says what means, "O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his wife…" (TMQ, 4:1). This is to make man feel that woman is part of him; therefore, Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) last advice was, "Take good care of women". (Bukhari)

Note that Adam was created from earth’s dust while Hawwa’ was created from his rib. Each of them was created from the part he or she will deal with: Adam will deal with the earth, whether as a wrestler, a farmer or a fighter, and Hawwa’ will deal with children and husbands and motherhood. Thus, Allah, be He Exalted and Glorified, wanted to create everything from the origin of what it will deal with.

Furthermore, Hawwa’ was created from a crooked rib. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says, "Take good care of women. Woman was created from a rib, and the most crooked part of a rib is its uppermost part. If you start to straighten it, it might be broken, and if you leave it, it keeps its crooked shape. Hence, take good care of women". (Bukhari)

Hawwa’ was created from Adam's left rib, which is crooked because the function of the left rib is to protect the heart from injury. Therefore, the heart is surrounded by a crooked rib that protects it. Being created from a crooked rib does not signify that she is bad in behavior. Emotion is the dominating dimension in women, and most of the time it dominates logic so that woman would be able to practice her tenderness and kindness. The crookedness of the rib is something natural that helps the woman to perform her job. Be careful not to tell her, "Don't be jealous or don't get worried." because this would be "breaking" her. Also, do not tell her, "don't think with your heart, think with your mind". Beware of breaking her heart, because this would be breaking her essence.

There is another meaning mentioned by Imam Al-Qurtubi:

- The Angels said to Adam: "Do you love her Adam?"
- Adam said: "Yes".
- The Angels asked Hawwa’, "Hawwa’, do you love him?"
- She answered, "No!", though deep in her heart she had more love for him than he had for her.

Al-Qurtubi comments on this saying, "If women were honest in expressing their feelings of love to their husbands, Hawwa’ would have been the first to do it".

In Surat Taha in the Holy Qur’an, Allah says what can be translated as, "And (remember) when We said to the angels: "Prostrate yourselves to Adam." They prostrated themselves (all) except Iblîs; he refused. Then We said: "O Adam! Verily, this is an enemy to you and to your wife. So let him not get you both out of Paradise, so that you will be distressed. Verily, you have (a promise from Us) that you will never be hungry therein nor naked. And you (will) suffer not from thirst therein nor from the sun's heat." (TMQ, 20:116-119).

This verse shows four blessings granted by Allah to Adam:
1- He would never feel hungry.
2- He would never feel thirsty.
3- He would never feel hot (the weather was not hot at all, as there was shade everywhere).
4- He would never be naked, as Allah would conceal his private parts.

When first created, Adam did not feel naked, and neither did Hawwa’. Man did not know nakedness from the first moment. Then, when was nakedness known? It was known when Adam went astray from Allah's path. The more humankind develops and strays far away from Allah’s path, the more nakedness increases.

In Surat Al-A'râf (the Heights) verse 19, Allah says what can be translated as, "And O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in Paradise, and eat thereof as you both wish, but approach not this tree otherwise you both will be of the Zâlimûn (unjust and wrong-doers)." (TMQ, 7:19).

This means, "Adam you can eat whatever you want, except the fruits of this specific tree". You can also notice that Allah, be He Exalted and Glorified, prepared Paradise for both Adam and Hawwa’, and not for Adam alone.

Then, how could Adam not consider this? You have many trees in your life, but you insist on one specific tree, and you don't want anything except this tree. You say to yourself, "I must drink alcohol." although there are many other drinks that are allowed to you.

Why did Adam seek from the forbidden tree? It was the same entrance that Shaytan uses with every one of us. Shaytan makes you see what you do not possess as more beautiful, more desirable and better than what you already have. This is a wicked trick played by Shaytan to make you go after the forbidden rather than the lawful and permissible, or at least he makes you hate what is permissible. For example, the husband whose wife is so beautiful and respectable and exerts all efforts to satisfy him; such a man might be attracted to another woman who might be less pretty than his wife. Shaytan makes her [the forbidden woman] more beautiful in the man's eyes despite the fact that he already has what is permitted.

Shaytan wants you to run after the forbidden or hate what you have in your hands so you will not thank Allah or be grateful to Him. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "and you will not find most of them as grateful". This is a strong method used by Satan to attack us. Adam's tree is repeated in several forms with all of us. Try to struggle against yourself even once, you will feel such a sweet feeling that you have never sensed before. You will feel your power, strong will and strength instead of being Shaytan’s captive. Get rid of Shaytan’s curb and you will feel extreme happiness+ the Angels' happiness for you+ Allah's happiness for you.

In Surat Al-A'râf (The Heights) verse 20, Allah says what can be translated as, "Then Shaytaan whispered suggestions to them both…” (TMQ, 7:20). Note Allah's choice of words "whispered", which indicates Shaytan’s insistence. Can you recognize the miraculous nature of the Holy Qur’an? “…in order to uncover that which was hidden from them of their private parts (before)” (TMQ, 7:20); Satan wants nakedness, so beware girls of exposing your body, or of allowing any man to touch you except after marriage, or allowing any man to hold your hand or kiss you. “…he (Shaytan) said, ‘Your Lord did not forbid you this tree except that you should become angels or become of the immortals.’ ”( TMQ, 7:20).

In Surat Taha the Shaytan said to Adam what can be translated as, "O Adam! Shall I lead you to the Tree of Eternity and to a kingdom that will never waste away?" (TMQ, 20:120). In this context Shaytan called it "Tree of Eternity". There is no tree with this name, and so Shaytan tricked them and all of us all this time.

Shaytan called atheism “creativity” or “freedom”, and called nakedness “fashion”. A young man would say, "I will not commit adultery, I will just go out with that girl and we will sit alone. I will not commit adultery, God Forbid!" In such a context the names are changed, and Shaytan starts to fix the wrong names in your mind until you yourself change.

The following verse from Surat Al-A'râf, can be translated as, "And he (Shaytân) swore by Allah to them both that he was their sincere adviser.” (TMQ, 7:21) (i.e. he falsely swore by Allah to them, which is the second sin committed after pride.) This in itself indicates that Adam did not respond directly to Shaytan, who tried more than once until he falsely swore [it was true]. However, with you, Shaytan does not need to swear to you to push you to commit sins because you respond right away. “Verily, I am one of the sincere well-wishers for you both." (TMQ, 7:21).

Adam and Hawwa’ had a pure nature; therefore, when they found Shaytan swearing by Allah, they could not imagine that there could be anyone who dares to swear by Allah falsely.

"So he misled them with deception…" (TMQ, 7:22) Shaytan started to push them gradually. Notice the beautiful Qur’anic expressions used to exemplify how Shaytan took gradual steps to humiliate them. Allah, be He Exalted and Glorified told them to keep away from the tree, but Shaytan told them to sit beside the tree. In other words, Shaytan will not suggest to you directly to drink alcohol, but will urge you to accompany someone who drinks. Allah, be He Exalted and Glorified, says in Surat Al-Baqarah (The Cow), "Satan misled them away from it" (TMQ, 2:36).

"Then when they tasted of the tree…” (TMQ, 7:22). The word "tasted" here makes clear that just tasting the tree’s fruit angered Allah. Hence, never say, "I will just ‘taste’ sin and will not [really] do it”. “…that which was hidden from them of their shame (private parts) became manifest to them" (TMQ, 7:22). Note how all the verses focus on the same meaning—private parts and nakedness—because this is a serious issue that will drive humanity to Hell. "And they began to cover themselves with the leaves of Paradise (in order to cover their shame)." (TMQ, 7:22). Adam and Hawwa’ ran to grab the leaves of the trees of Paradise to cover themselves. Do you see how shy they were? How do you dare look at nakedness through the Internet and satellite channels?

"And their Lord called out to them (saying): ‘Did I not forbid you that tree and tell you: Verily Shaytan is an open enemy unto you’" (TMQ, 7:22). Allah asked them, as He will do with us. What will your answer be when Allah calls you and asks, "Why did you do this? Why did you do that? Have not I prohibited you from doing this?"

On the Day of Judgment Allah, be He Exalted and Glorified, says, "O my slave! You underestimated meeting me. Have I been so insignificant to you, or have I not been watching your eyes when they were looking at the forbidden? Have I not been watching your lips when they were saying the forbidden? What mislead you from My path, my slave? What misled you from My path? O my slave! Read your book! “Did I not forbid you that tree and tell you: Verily Shaytan is an open enemy unto you” (TMQ, 7:22).

Here, at the end of my speech, I want to say that Adam and Hawwa’ were expelled from Paradise, and they didn't know what to do:

- Allah (SWT) said, "Are you running to escape from me Adam?"

- Adam replied, "No Allah, I am running because I’m ashamed of myself".

The main lessons learned from this lecture:
1. Beware of conceit.
2. Declare war against Shaytan and consider him your enemy.
3. Beware of the steps taken by Shaytan to control you, and resort to the eleven fortifications we mentioned.

Dear brother, your wife is your comfort. Dear sister, your husband is your comfort.

1) TMQ=Translation of the Meaning of the Qur'an. This translation is for the realized meaning, so far, of the stated (Surah:Ayah) of the Qur'an. Reading the translated meaning of the Qur'an can never replace reading it in Arabic, the language in which it was revealed.
2) Editor’s note: Often, with the stories of the Biblical Prophets, the scholars have used Isra’iliyat—stories or explanations that came to us through Jews and Christians who accepted Islam. These stories are neither found in the Qur’an nor in the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) but may come from the Bible or oral traditions. The Isra’iliyat are only used to add detail to the prophets’ stories if they do not contradict the Qur’an or Sunnah. They will be cited in this text by either (Isra’iliyat) or (Isr.).


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