The strong among you is deemed weak by me until...

A'oothu billaahi minash-Shaytaani-Rajeem.Bi
smiAllah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim.Alhamdu-lillahi Rabbil-'Aalamin,ar-Rahman ar-Rahim Maliki Jawmid-Din.

Surely all praise is for Allah. We praise Him and seek His help. We seek His
forgiveness and we seek
refuge in Him from the evil
of our own souls and from
the wickedness of our own
deeds. Whomever He
guides shall never go
astray and whomever He
allows to stray shall never
find guidance. I bear
witness that Muhammad
Hid slave and Messenger.
May the peace and
blessings of Allah be upon
him and upon those who
follow them in piety until
the Day of Judgment.

Allah says: ( whoever works
righteousness whether
male or female while he (
or she ) is true believer
verily to him we will give a
good portion life, and we
shall pay them certainly a
reward on proportion to the
best what they used to do (
Q 16:97 )

Assalam aleykum wa rahmatuaallah wa barakatoh,

Today I want to remind myself and my sisters and brothers in din two things
inshaallah: Engage in
beneficial actions and to
remind us of the khilafah
acceptance speech of Abu
Bakr siddiq ( Rd ).

Alhamduallah lillaahi alaa kulli haal life goes upside and downs, but because of that we shouldn't give in to
despair; do not worry and
never doubt that Allah will
give us solution. We should
think well of Allah and put
our trust in Allah only and
seek His help in patience
because with patience
comes victory. At same
time we should occupy
ourselves with beneficial
deeds and endeavour to
achive them. So don't
engage your thoughts and
mind in harmful things,
which causes sadness and
depression. You should
keep in mind that your time
is precious, so you should
not waste it in useless
things. You should dedicate
your time and thoughts to
all that carries benefit.So
Do not fear what you have
to go through to achieve
your goals in life for the
sake of Allah. Be optimistic for Allah is with you and the
Angels ( aleyhi wa Salam )
are praying for forgiveness
for you and Paradise awaits
you. Wipe away your tears
and think well of our Lord
and chase away your worries by
remembering And praising Allah and keep yourself
busy and think of the
blessings that Allah had
bestowed upon you, your
family, friends etc.

Remember and think that this world is ever perfect for anyone it's only exist in Paradise. So no one on the
face of the earth who gets
all that he wants or is free
from all kinds of distress.So don't feel sad of something you don't have, the world is yours you can breath and have eyes to see alhamduaallah smile and be happy !!!!!

Allah says: And certainly,We shall test you with something of fear,
hunger,loss of wealth, lives
and fruits but give glad
tidings to As sabirun ( the
patience ).

So have sabr ( patience )!!!

And I want to end this by the speech of Abu baker Siddiq ( Rd ):

To proceed: O people! I have indeed appointed over you,though I am not the best among you.

If I do well, then help me and d if I act wrongly, then
correct me.

Truthfulness with fulfilling trust and lying in
tantamount to treachery.

The weak among you is
deemed strong by me until
I return to them that which
is rightfully theirs inshaallah.

And the strong among you is weak by me until I take
from them what is rightfully( somone else's ) inshaallah.

No group of people
Abandons Jihad in the path
of Allah, except that Allah
Allah makes them suffer

And wickedness does not become widespread among
a people except that Allah
inflicts them widespread

And if I disobey Allah and His Messenger, then I have no right to your obedience....

This speech alone is a reasons enough we need to return to Islam!!!!

May Allah make this speech be a standard we use to judge our governents as well as those running
them and make it inspiration for us to return to the Islamic Goverment of justice, honesty and righteousness that Allah
prescribed for us: The
Khilafah amiin

So inshaallah have strong faith that nothing is impossible!

.....Do not despair of the mercy of Allah.....( Q 39:53

Subhaanaka Allahumma as bihamdika ashadu an laa ilaaha illaa Anta astaqfiruha as atiibu ilayka. ( Glory is to you, O Allah, and praise is
to you. I bear witness that
there is none worthy if
worship but you. I seek
Your forgiveness and
repent to You.


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